// Copyright (c) 2020 Egor Tensin // This file is part of the "PDB repository" project. // For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/pdb-repo. // Distributed under the MIT License. #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace pdb { namespace { // Permissions required for MiniDumpWriteDump. constexpr DWORD permissions = PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ; Handle open_process(DWORD id) { Handle process{OpenProcess(permissions, FALSE, id)}; if (!process) { throw error::windows(GetLastError()); } return process; } class PathBuffer { public: PathBuffer() : size{min_size} { data.resize(size); } DWORD get_size() const { return size; } wchar_t* get_data() { return data.data(); } void grow() { if (size < min_size) { size = min_size; } else { if (!SafeMultiply(size, 2, size)) { throw std::range_error{"couldn't allocate buffer sufficient for a file path"}; } } data.resize(size); } private: static constexpr DWORD min_size = 256; DWORD size; std::vector data; }; std::string get_current_executable_path(PathBuffer& buffer) { SetLastError(ERROR_SUCCESS); const auto ec = ::GetModuleFileNameW(NULL, buffer.get_data(), buffer.get_size()); if (ec == 0) { throw error::windows(GetLastError()); } if (ec == buffer.get_size() && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { buffer.grow(); return get_current_executable_path(buffer); } return boost::nowide::narrow(buffer.get_data()); } std::string get_current_executable_path() { PathBuffer buffer; return get_current_executable_path(buffer); } std::string get_executable_path(const Handle& process, PathBuffer& buffer) { auto size = buffer.get_size(); const auto ec = ::QueryFullProcessImageNameW(process.get(), 0, buffer.get_data(), &size); if (ec != 0) { return boost::nowide::narrow(buffer.get_data()); } if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { buffer.grow(); return get_executable_path(process, buffer); } throw error::windows(GetLastError()); } std::string get_executable_path(const Handle& process) { PathBuffer buffer; return get_executable_path(process, buffer); } } // namespace Process Process::current() { return Process{::GetCurrentProcessId(), Handle{::GetCurrentProcess()}}; } Process Process::open(DWORD id) { return Process{id, open_process(id)}; } Process::Process(Handle&& handle) : Process{::GetProcessId(handle.get()), std::move(handle)} {} Process::Process(ID id, Handle&& handle) : id{id}, handle{std::move(handle)} {} std::string Process::get_executable_path() const { if (handle.get() == ::GetCurrentProcess()) { return pdb::get_current_executable_path(); } else { return pdb::get_executable_path(handle); } } } // namespace pdb