path: root/src
diff options
authorEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2016-11-10 15:18:30 +0300
committerEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2016-11-10 15:18:30 +0300
commit0d8b7efe4d74aa59513790da795ac4fde21be79b (patch)
tree8a60217b6b8ac2c23e90dcb71df457c03d3c5acd /src
parentREADME update (diff)
safer registry access routines
+ use patched Win32.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
3 files changed, 153 insertions, 162 deletions
diff --git a/src/Windows/Environment.hs b/src/Windows/Environment.hs
index 322b97b..490e2d4 100644
--- a/src/Windows/Environment.hs
+++ b/src/Windows/Environment.hs
@@ -20,75 +20,42 @@ module Windows.Environment
, pathSplit
) where
-import Data.List (intercalate)
-import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
-import System.IO.Error (catchIOError, isDoesNotExistError)
+import Control.Exception (finally)
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import qualified Windows.Registry as Registry
-import Windows.Utils (notifyEnvironmentUpdate)
+import Windows.Utils (notifyEnvironmentUpdate)
data Profile = CurrentUser
| AllUsers
deriving (Eq, Show)
-profileRootKey :: Profile -> Registry.RootKey
-profileRootKey CurrentUser = Registry.CurrentUser
-profileRootKey AllUsers = Registry.LocalMachine
-profileRootKeyPath :: Profile -> Registry.KeyPath
-profileRootKeyPath = Registry.rootKeyPath . profileRootKey
-profileSubKeyPath :: Profile -> Registry.KeyPath
-profileSubKeyPath CurrentUser =
- Registry.keyPathFromString "Environment"
-profileSubKeyPath AllUsers =
- Registry.keyPathFromString "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment"
profileKeyPath :: Profile -> Registry.KeyPath
-profileKeyPath profile = Registry.keyPathJoin
- [ profileRootKeyPath profile
- , profileSubKeyPath profile
+profileKeyPath CurrentUser = Registry.KeyPath Registry.CurrentUser ["Environment"]
+profileKeyPath AllUsers = Registry.KeyPath Registry.LocalMachine
+ [ "SYSTEM"
+ , "CurrentControlSet"
+ , "Control"
+ , "Session Manager"
+ , "Environment"
-openRootProfileKey :: Profile -> Registry.KeyHandle
-openRootProfileKey = Registry.openRootKey . profileRootKey
+type VarName = String
+type VarValue = String
-openProfileKey :: Profile -> IO Registry.KeyHandle
-openProfileKey profile = Registry.openSubKey rootKey subKeyPath
- where
- rootKey = openRootProfileKey profile
- subKeyPath = profileSubKeyPath profile
-type VarName = Registry.ValueName
-type VarValue = Registry.ValueData
+query :: Profile -> VarName -> IO (Either IOError VarValue)
+query profile name = Registry.getExpandedString (profileKeyPath profile) name
-query :: Profile -> VarName -> IO (Maybe VarValue)
-query profile name = do
- keyHandle <- openProfileKey profile
- catchIOError (tryQuery keyHandle) ignoreMissing
+engrave :: Profile -> VarName -> VarValue -> IO (Either IOError ())
+engrave profile name value = finally doEngrave notifyEnvironmentUpdate
- tryQuery keyHandle = do
- value <- Registry.getString keyHandle name
- return $ Just value
- ignoreMissing e
- | isDoesNotExistError e = return Nothing
- | otherwise = ioError e
-engrave :: Profile -> VarName -> VarValue -> IO ()
-engrave profile name value = do
- keyHandle <- openProfileKey profile
- Registry.setString keyHandle name value
- notifyEnvironmentUpdate
+ doEngrave = Registry.setExpandableString (profileKeyPath profile) name value
-wipe :: Profile -> VarName -> IO ()
-wipe profile name = do
- keyHandle <- openProfileKey profile
- catchIOError (Registry.delValue keyHandle name) ignoreMissing
- notifyEnvironmentUpdate
+wipe :: Profile -> VarName -> IO (Either IOError ())
+wipe profile name = finally doWipe notifyEnvironmentUpdate
- ignoreMissing e
- | isDoesNotExistError e = return ()
- | otherwise = ioError e
+ doWipe = Registry.deleteValue (profileKeyPath profile) name
pathSep :: VarValue
pathSep = ";"
diff --git a/src/Windows/Registry.hs b/src/Windows/Registry.hs
index 0ff55c5..159f333 100644
--- a/src/Windows/Registry.hs
+++ b/src/Windows/Registry.hs
@@ -7,142 +7,164 @@
-- Low-level utility functions for reading and writing registry values.
module Windows.Registry
- ( KeyPath
- , keyPathFromString
- , keyPathJoin
- , keyPathSplit
- , KeyHandle
- , openSubKey
+ ( IsKeyPath(..)
, RootKey(..)
- , rootKeyPath
- , openRootKey
+ , KeyPath(..)
, ValueName
- , delValue
+ , ValueType
, ValueData
- , getString
- , setString
- ) where
-import Control.Monad (unless)
-import Data.List (intercalate)
-import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
-import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
-import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes)
-import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, plusPtr)
-import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke, sizeOf)
-import System.IO.Error
- (catchIOError, doesNotExistErrorType, mkIOError, isDoesNotExistError)
+ , open
+ , close
-import qualified System.Win32.Registry as WinAPI
-import qualified System.Win32.Types as WinAPI
+ , deleteValue
-type KeyName = String
-type KeyPath = KeyName
+ , queryValue
-keyPathSep :: KeyPath
-keyPathSep = "\\"
+ , getValue
+ , getExpandedString
-keyPathFromString :: String -> KeyPath
-keyPathFromString = keyPathJoin . keyPathSplit
+ , setValue
+ , setString
+ , setExpandableString
+ ) where
+import Data.Bits ((.|.))
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf16LE, encodeUtf16LE)
+import Control.Exception (bracket)
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes)
+import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray, pokeArray)
+import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke)
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
+import qualified System.Win32.Types as WinAPI
+import qualified System.Win32.Registry as WinAPI
-keyPathSplit :: KeyPath -> [KeyName]
-keyPathSplit = filter (not . null) . splitOn keyPathSep
+type Handle = WinAPI.HKEY
-keyPathJoin :: [KeyName] -> KeyPath
-keyPathJoin = intercalate keyPathSep . filter (not . null)
+class IsKeyPath a where
+ openUnsafe :: a -> IO Handle
-type KeyHandle = WinAPI.HKEY
+close :: Handle -> IO ()
+close h = WinAPI.regCloseKey h
-openSubKey :: KeyHandle -> KeyPath -> IO KeyHandle
-openSubKey = WinAPI.regOpenKey
+open :: IsKeyPath a => a -> IO (Either IOError Handle)
+open a = catchIOError (fmap Right $ openUnsafe a) $ return . Left
data RootKey = CurrentUser
| LocalMachine
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+ deriving (Eq)
-rootKeyPath :: RootKey -> KeyName
-rootKeyPath CurrentUser = "HKCU"
-rootKeyPath LocalMachine = "HKLM"
+instance IsKeyPath RootKey where
+ openUnsafe CurrentUser = return WinAPI.hKEY_CURRENT_USER
+ openUnsafe LocalMachine = return WinAPI.hKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
-openRootKey :: RootKey -> KeyHandle
-openRootKey CurrentUser = WinAPI.hKEY_CURRENT_USER
-openRootKey LocalMachine = WinAPI.hKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
+instance Show RootKey where
+ show CurrentUser = "HKCU"
+ show LocalMachine = "HKLM"
-type ValueName = String
+data KeyPath = KeyPath RootKey [String]
-raiseDoesNotExistError :: String -> IO a
-raiseDoesNotExistError functionName =
- ioError $ mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType functionName Nothing Nothing
+pathSep :: String
+pathSep = "\\"
-raiseUnknownError :: String -> WinAPI.ErrCode -> IO a
-raiseUnknownError = WinAPI.failWith
+instance IsKeyPath KeyPath where
+ openUnsafe (KeyPath root path) = do
+ rootHandle <- openUnsafe root
+ WinAPI.regOpenKey rootHandle $ intercalate pathSep path
-exitCodeSuccess :: WinAPI.ErrCode
-exitCodeSuccess = 0
+instance Show KeyPath where
+ show (KeyPath root path) = intercalate pathSep $ show root : path
-exitCodeFileNotFound :: WinAPI.ErrCode
-exitCodeFileNotFound = 0x2
+type ValueName = String
+type ValueType = WinAPI.DWORD
+type ValueData = (ValueType, B.ByteString)
-raiseError :: String -> WinAPI.ErrCode -> IO a
-raiseError functionName ret
- | ret == exitCodeFileNotFound = raiseDoesNotExistError functionName
- | otherwise = raiseUnknownError functionName ret
+encodeString :: String -> B.ByteString
+encodeString = encodeUtf16LE . T.pack
-delValue :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> IO ()
-delValue keyHandle valueName =
- withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyPtr ->
- WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr -> do
- ret <- WinAPI.c_RegDeleteValue keyPtr valueNamePtr
- unless (ret == exitCodeSuccess) $
- raiseError "RegDeleteValue" ret
+decodeString :: ValueData -> String
+decodeString (_, valueData) = T.unpack . decodeUtf16LE $ valueData
-type ValueType = WinAPI.RegValueType
+openCloseCatch :: IsKeyPath a => a -> (Handle -> IO b) -> IO (Either IOError b)
+openCloseCatch keyPath f = catchIOError (fmap Right openClose) $ return . Left
+ where
+ openClose = bracket (openUnsafe keyPath) close f
-getType :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> IO ValueType
-getType keyHandle valueName =
- withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyPtr ->
- WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr ->
- alloca $ \typePtr -> do
- ret <- WinAPI.c_RegQueryValueEx keyPtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr typePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr
- if ret == exitCodeSuccess
- then peek typePtr
- else raiseError "RegQueryValueEx" ret
+foreign import ccall unsafe "Windows.h RegQueryValueExW"
+foreign import ccall unsafe "Windows.h RegSetValueExW"
+ c_RegSetValueEx :: WinAPI.PKEY -> WinAPI.LPCTSTR -> WinAPI.DWORD -> WinAPI.DWORD -> WinAPI.LPBYTE -> WinAPI.DWORD -> IO WinAPI.ErrCode
-type ValueData = String
+foreign import ccall unsafe "Windows.h RegGetValueW"
-getString :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> IO ValueData
-getString keyHandle valueName =
- withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyPtr ->
+queryValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> IO (Either IOError ValueData)
+queryValue keyPath valueName =
+ openCloseCatch keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr ->
alloca $ \dataSizePtr -> do
poke dataSizePtr 0
- ret <- WinAPI.c_RegQueryValueEx keyPtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataSizePtr
- if ret /= exitCodeSuccess
- then raiseError "RegQueryValueEx" ret
- else getStringTerminated keyPtr valueNamePtr dataSizePtr
- where
- getStringTerminated keyPtr valueNamePtr dataSizePtr = do
- dataSize <- peek dataSizePtr
- let newDataSize = dataSize + fromIntegral (sizeOf (undefined :: WinAPI.TCHAR))
- poke dataSizePtr newDataSize
- allocaBytes (fromIntegral newDataSize) $ \dataPtr -> do
- poke (castPtr $ plusPtr dataPtr $ fromIntegral dataSize) '\0'
- ret <- WinAPI.c_RegQueryValueEx keyPtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataPtr dataSizePtr
- if ret == exitCodeSuccess
- then WinAPI.peekTString $ castPtr dataPtr
- else raiseError "RegQueryValueEx" ret
-setString :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> ValueData -> IO ()
-setString key name value =
- WinAPI.withTString value $ \valuePtr -> do
- type_ <- catchIOError (getType key name) stringTypeByDefault
- WinAPI.regSetValueEx key name type_ valuePtr valueSize
- where
- stringTypeByDefault e = if isDoesNotExistError e
- then return WinAPI.rEG_SZ
- else ioError e
- valueSize = (length value + 1) * sizeOf (undefined :: WinAPI.TCHAR)
+ WinAPI.failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValueExW" $ c_RegQueryValueEx keyHandlePtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataSizePtr
+ dataSize <- fmap fromIntegral $ peek dataSizePtr
+ alloca $ \dataTypePtr -> do
+ allocaBytes dataSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
+ WinAPI.failUnlessSuccess "RegQueryValueExW" $ c_RegQueryValueEx keyHandlePtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataTypePtr bufferPtr dataSizePtr
+ buffer <- peekArray dataSize bufferPtr
+ dataType <- peek dataTypePtr
+ return (dataType, B.pack buffer)
+getValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> [ValueType] -> IO (Either IOError ValueData)
+getValue keyPath valueName allowedTypes =
+ openCloseCatch keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
+ WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr ->
+ alloca $ \dataTypePtr ->
+ alloca $ \dataSizePtr -> do
+ poke dataSizePtr 0
+ let flags = foldr (.|.) 0 allowedTypes
+ WinAPI.failUnlessSuccess "RegGetValueW" $ c_RegGetValue keyHandlePtr WinAPI.nullPtr valueNamePtr flags dataTypePtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataSizePtr
+ dataSize <- fmap fromIntegral $ peek dataSizePtr
+ allocaBytes dataSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
+ WinAPI.failUnlessSuccess "RegGetValueW" $ c_RegGetValue keyHandlePtr WinAPI.nullPtr valueNamePtr flags dataTypePtr bufferPtr dataSizePtr
+ buffer <- peekArray dataSize bufferPtr
+ dataType <- peek dataTypePtr
+ return (dataType, B.pack buffer)
+getExpandedString :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> IO (Either IOError String)
+getExpandedString keyPath valueName = do
+ valueData <- getValue keyPath valueName [WinAPI.rEG_SZ, WinAPI.rEG_EXPAND_SZ]
+ return $ fmap decodeString valueData
+setValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ValueData -> IO (Either IOError ())
+setValue keyPath valueName (valueType, valueData) =
+ openCloseCatch keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
+ WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr -> do
+ let buffer = B.unpack valueData
+ let dataSize = B.length valueData
+ allocaBytes dataSize $ \bufferPtr -> do
+ pokeArray bufferPtr buffer
+ WinAPI.failUnlessSuccess "RegSetValueExW" $ c_RegSetValueEx keyHandlePtr valueNamePtr 0 valueType bufferPtr (fromIntegral dataSize)
+setString :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> String -> IO (Either IOError ())
+setString keyPath valueName valueData =
+ setValue keyPath valueName (WinAPI.rEG_SZ, encodeString valueData)
+setExpandableString :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> String -> IO (Either IOError ())
+setExpandableString keyPath valueName valueData =
+ setValue keyPath valueName (WinAPI.rEG_EXPAND_SZ, encodeString valueData)
+deleteValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> IO (Either IOError ())
+deleteValue keyPath valueName =
+ openCloseCatch keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
+ WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr -> do
+ WinAPI.failUnlessSuccess "RegDeleteValueW" $ WinAPI.c_RegDeleteValue keyHandlePtr valueNamePtr
diff --git a/src/Windows/Utils.hs b/src/Windows/Utils.hs
index 06e495c..66f2df5 100644
--- a/src/Windows/Utils.hs
+++ b/src/Windows/Utils.hs
@@ -8,11 +8,13 @@ module Windows.Utils
( notifyEnvironmentUpdate
) where
+import Foreign.C.Types (CIntPtr(..))
import qualified Graphics.Win32.GDI.Types as WinAPI
import qualified Graphics.Win32.Message as WinAPI
import qualified System.Win32.Types as WinAPI
-foreign import ccall "SendNotifyMessageW"
+foreign import ccall "Windows.h SendNotifyMessageW"
c_SendNotifyMessage :: WinAPI.HWND -> WinAPI.WindowMessage -> WinAPI.WPARAM -> WinAPI.LPARAM -> IO WinAPI.LRESULT
notifyEnvironmentUpdate :: IO ()