path: root/src
diff options
authorEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2017-06-11 03:05:02 +0300
committerEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2017-06-11 03:05:02 +0300
commitf5f056d79087f4ee3038643d02a82c1ad574553f (patch)
tree7d0313a1cddfe7be70378844d9b6bc487982c65d /src
parentcode style (diff)
The fact whether the registry value was a regular or an expandable string is now propagated up to the `Environment` module (and even further to the apps). This was done to get rid of these weird `setString*` functions (and the like). I don't feel like I've came up with the right abstractions yet though, so there's more work on this to come.
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
2 files changed, 61 insertions, 65 deletions
diff --git a/src/WindowsEnv/Environment.hs b/src/WindowsEnv/Environment.hs
index 8060b14..e56f5c9 100644
--- a/src/WindowsEnv/Environment.hs
+++ b/src/WindowsEnv/Environment.hs
@@ -15,11 +15,10 @@ module WindowsEnv.Environment
, profileKeyPath
, VarName
- , VarValue
+ , VarValue(..)
, query
, engrave
- , engraveForce
, wipe
, pathJoin
@@ -56,21 +55,33 @@ profileKeyPath AllUsers = Registry.KeyPath Registry.LocalMachine
, "Environment"
-type VarName = String
-type VarValue = String
+type VarName = String
+data VarValue = VarValue
+ { varValueExpandable :: Bool
+ , varValueString :: String
+ } deriving (Eq)
+instance Show VarValue where
+ show = varValueString
+valueFromRegistry :: Registry.StringValue -> VarValue
+valueFromRegistry (valueType, valueData)
+ | valueType == Registry.TypeString = VarValue False valueData
+ | valueType == Registry.TypeExpandableString = VarValue True valueData
+ | otherwise = error "WindowsEnv.Environment: unexpected"
+valueToRegistry :: VarValue -> Registry.StringValue
+valueToRegistry value
+ | varValueExpandable value = (Registry.TypeExpandableString, varValueString value)
+ | otherwise = (Registry.TypeString, varValueString value)
query :: Profile -> VarName -> ExceptT IOError IO VarValue
-query profile name = Registry.getStringDoNotExpand (profileKeyPath profile) name
+query profile name = valueFromRegistry <$> Registry.getStringValue (profileKeyPath profile) name
engrave :: Profile -> VarName -> VarValue -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
engrave profile name value = do
- ret <- Registry.setStringPreserveType (profileKeyPath profile) name value
- lift notifyEnvironmentUpdate
- return ret
-engraveForce :: Profile -> VarName -> VarValue -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
-engraveForce profile name value = do
- ret <- Registry.setString (profileKeyPath profile) name value
+ ret <- Registry.setStringValue (profileKeyPath profile) name $ valueToRegistry value
lift notifyEnvironmentUpdate
return ret
@@ -80,13 +91,13 @@ wipe profile name = do
lift notifyEnvironmentUpdate
return ret
-pathSep :: VarValue
+pathSep :: String
pathSep = ";"
-pathSplit :: VarValue -> [VarValue]
+pathSplit :: String -> [String]
pathSplit = filter (not . null) . splitOn pathSep
-pathJoin :: [VarValue] -> VarValue
+pathJoin :: [String] -> String
pathJoin = intercalate pathSep . filter (not . null)
#include "ccall.h"
@@ -96,7 +107,7 @@ pathJoin = intercalate pathSep . filter (not . null)
foreign import WINDOWS_ENV_CCALL unsafe "Windows.h ExpandEnvironmentStringsW"
c_ExpandEnvironmentStrings :: WinAPI.LPCTSTR -> WinAPI.LPTSTR -> WinAPI.DWORD -> IO WinAPI.ErrCode
-expand :: VarValue -> ExceptT IOError IO VarValue
+expand :: String -> ExceptT IOError IO String
expand value = ExceptT $ catchIOError (Right <$> doExpand) (return . Left)
doExpandIn valuePtr bufferPtr bufferLength = do
@@ -109,18 +120,18 @@ expand value = ExceptT $ catchIOError (Right <$> doExpand) (return . Left)
doExpand = WinAPI.withTString value $ \valuePtr -> doExpandIn valuePtr WinAPI.nullPtr 0
data ExpandedPath = ExpandedPath
- { pathOriginal :: VarValue
- , pathExpanded :: VarValue
+ { pathOriginal :: String
+ , pathExpanded :: String
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-pathSplitAndExpand :: VarValue -> ExceptT IOError IO [ExpandedPath]
-pathSplitAndExpand pathValue = do
+pathSplitAndExpand :: String -> ExceptT IOError IO [ExpandedPath]
+pathSplitAndExpand value = do
expandedOnce <- expandOnce
zipWith ExpandedPath originalPaths <$>
if length expandedOnce == length originalPaths
then return expandedOnce
else expandEach
- originalPaths = pathSplit pathValue
- expandOnce = pathSplit <$> expand pathValue
+ originalPaths = pathSplit value
+ expandOnce = pathSplit <$> expand value
expandEach = mapM expand originalPaths
diff --git a/src/WindowsEnv/Registry.hs b/src/WindowsEnv/Registry.hs
index 48200b2..73606d9 100644
--- a/src/WindowsEnv/Registry.hs
+++ b/src/WindowsEnv/Registry.hs
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ module WindowsEnv.Registry
, KeyPath(..)
, ValueName
- , ValueType
- , ValueData
+ , ValueType(..)
+ , Value
+ , StringValue
, openKey
, closeKey
@@ -30,16 +31,14 @@ module WindowsEnv.Registry
, getValue
, GetValueFlag(..)
, getValueType
- , getStringDoNotExpand
+ , getStringValue
, setValue
- , setString
- , setExpandableString
- , setStringPreserveType
+ , setStringValue
) where
import Control.Exception (bracket)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..), catchE, throwE)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (ExceptT(..))
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.List (intercalate)
@@ -51,7 +50,7 @@ import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes)
import Foreign.Marshal.Array (peekArray, pokeArray)
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke)
-import System.IO.Error (catchIOError, isDoesNotExistError)
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError)
import qualified System.Win32.Types as WinAPI
import qualified System.Win32.Registry as WinAPI
@@ -89,16 +88,16 @@ instance Show RootKey where
data KeyPath = KeyPath RootKey [String]
-pathSep :: String
-pathSep = "\\"
+keyPathSep :: String
+keyPathSep = "\\"
instance IsKeyPath KeyPath where
openKeyUnsafe (KeyPath root path) = do
rootHandle <- openKeyUnsafe root
- WinAPI.regOpenKey rootHandle $ intercalate pathSep path
+ WinAPI.regOpenKey rootHandle $ intercalate keyPathSep path
instance Show KeyPath where
- show (KeyPath root path) = intercalate pathSep $ show root : path
+ show (KeyPath root path) = intercalate keyPathSep $ show root : path
type ValueName = String
@@ -130,24 +129,25 @@ valueTypeNumbers =
, (TypeLink, 6)
-type ValueData = (ValueType, B.ByteString)
+type Value = (ValueType, B.ByteString)
+type StringValue = (ValueType, String)
-encodeString :: String -> B.ByteString
-encodeString str = encodeUtf16LE addLastZero
+encodeString :: StringValue -> Value
+encodeString (valueType, valueData) = (valueType, encodeUtf16LE addLastZero)
| T.null text = text
| T.last text == '\0' = text
| otherwise = T.snoc text '\0'
- text = T.pack str
+ text = T.pack valueData
-decodeString :: ValueData -> String
-decodeString (_, bytes) = T.unpack dropLastZero
+decodeString :: Value -> StringValue
+decodeString (valueType, valueData) = (valueType, T.unpack dropLastZero)
| T.null text = text
| otherwise = T.takeWhile (/= '\0') text
- text = decodeUtf16LE bytes
+ text = decodeUtf16LE valueData
#include "ccall.h"
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ foreign import WINDOWS_ENV_CCALL unsafe "Windows.h RegSetValueExW"
foreign import WINDOWS_ENV_CCALL unsafe "Windows.h RegGetValueW"
-queryValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ExceptT IOError IO ValueData
+queryValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ExceptT IOError IO Value
queryValue keyPath valueName =
withHandle keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ getValueFlagNumbers =
collapseGetValueFlags :: Num a => [GetValueFlag] -> a
collapseGetValueFlags = fromIntegral . foldr ((.|.) . fromEnum) 0
-getValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> [GetValueFlag] -> ExceptT IOError IO ValueData
+getValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> [GetValueFlag] -> ExceptT IOError IO Value
getValue keyPath valueName flags =
withHandle keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
@@ -254,12 +254,11 @@ getValueType keyPath valueName flags =
collapsedFlags = collapseGetValueFlags $ DoNotExpand : flags
-getStringDoNotExpand :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ExceptT IOError IO String
-getStringDoNotExpand keyPath valueName = do
- valueData <- getValue keyPath valueName [RestrictExpandableString, RestrictString]
- return $ decodeString valueData
+getStringValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ExceptT IOError IO StringValue
+getStringValue keyPath valueName =
+ decodeString <$> getValue keyPath valueName [RestrictExpandableString, RestrictString]
-setValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ValueData -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
+setValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> Value -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
setValue keyPath valueName (valueType, valueData) =
withHandle keyPath $ \keyHandle ->
withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyHandlePtr ->
@@ -273,23 +272,9 @@ setValue keyPath valueName (valueType, valueData) =
buffer = B.unpack valueData
bufferSize = B.length valueData
-setString :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> String -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
-setString keyPath valueName valueData =
- setValue keyPath valueName (TypeString, encodeString valueData)
-setExpandableString :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> String -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
-setExpandableString keyPath valueName valueData =
- setValue keyPath valueName (TypeExpandableString, encodeString valueData)
-setStringPreserveType :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> String -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
-setStringPreserveType keyPath valueName valueData = do
- valueType <- getValueType keyPath valueName flags `catchE` stringByDefault
- setValue keyPath valueName (valueType, encodeString valueData)
- where
- flags = [RestrictString, RestrictExpandableString]
- stringByDefault e
- | isDoesNotExistError e = return TypeString
- | otherwise = throwE e
+setStringValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> StringValue -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
+setStringValue keyPath valueName value =
+ setValue keyPath valueName $ encodeString value
deleteValue :: IsKeyPath a => a -> ValueName -> ExceptT IOError IO ()
deleteValue keyPath valueName =