path: root/src/Windows/Registry.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Windows/Registry.hs')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Windows/Registry.hs b/src/Windows/Registry.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..528027f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Windows/Registry.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+ - Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>
+ - This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
+ - See LICENSE.txt for details.
+module Windows.Registry
+ ( KeyPath
+ , keyPathFromString
+ , keyPathJoin
+ , keyPathSplit
+ , KeyHandle
+ , openSubKey
+ , RootKey(..)
+ , rootKeyPath
+ , openRootKey
+ , ValueName
+ , delValue
+ , ValueData
+ , getString
+ , setString
+ ) where
+import Data.List (intercalate)
+import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
+import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr)
+import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc (alloca, allocaBytes)
+import Foreign.Ptr (castPtr, plusPtr)
+import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke, sizeOf)
+import System.IO.Error (catchIOError, doesNotExistErrorType, mkIOError, isDoesNotExistError)
+import qualified System.Win32.Registry as WinAPI
+import qualified System.Win32.Types as WinAPI
+type KeyName = String
+type KeyPath = KeyName
+keyPathSep :: KeyPath
+keyPathSep = "\\"
+keyPathFromString :: String -> KeyPath
+keyPathFromString = keyPathJoin . keyPathSplit
+keyPathSplit :: KeyPath -> [KeyName]
+keyPathSplit = filter (not . null) . splitOn keyPathSep
+keyPathJoin :: [KeyName] -> KeyPath
+keyPathJoin = intercalate keyPathSep . filter (not . null)
+type KeyHandle = WinAPI.HKEY
+openSubKey :: KeyHandle -> KeyPath -> IO KeyHandle
+openSubKey = WinAPI.regOpenKey
+data RootKey = CurrentUser
+ | LocalMachine
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
+rootKeyPath :: RootKey -> KeyName
+rootKeyPath CurrentUser = "HKCU"
+rootKeyPath LocalMachine = "HKLM"
+openRootKey :: RootKey -> KeyHandle
+openRootKey CurrentUser = WinAPI.hKEY_CURRENT_USER
+openRootKey LocalMachine = WinAPI.hKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
+type ValueName = String
+raiseDoesNotExistError :: String -> IO a
+raiseDoesNotExistError functionName =
+ ioError $ mkIOError doesNotExistErrorType functionName Nothing Nothing
+raiseUnknownError :: String -> WinAPI.ErrCode -> IO a
+raiseUnknownError functionName exitCode = WinAPI.failWith functionName exitCode
+exitCodeSuccess :: WinAPI.ErrCode
+exitCodeSuccess = 0
+exitCodeFileNotFound :: WinAPI.ErrCode
+exitCodeFileNotFound = 0x2
+raiseError :: String -> WinAPI.ErrCode -> IO a
+raiseError functionName ret
+ | ret == exitCodeFileNotFound = raiseDoesNotExistError functionName
+ | otherwise = raiseUnknownError functionName ret
+delValue :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> IO ()
+delValue keyHandle valueName =
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyPtr ->
+ WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr -> do
+ ret <- WinAPI.c_RegDeleteValue keyPtr valueNamePtr
+ if ret == exitCodeSuccess
+ then return ()
+ else raiseError "RegDeleteValue" ret
+type ValueType = WinAPI.RegValueType
+getType :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> IO ValueType
+getType keyHandle valueName =
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyPtr ->
+ WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr ->
+ alloca $ \typePtr -> do
+ ret <- WinAPI.c_RegQueryValueEx keyPtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr typePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr
+ if ret == exitCodeSuccess
+ then peek typePtr
+ else raiseError "RegQueryValueEx" ret
+type ValueData = String
+getString :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> IO ValueData
+getString keyHandle valueName =
+ withForeignPtr keyHandle $ \keyPtr ->
+ WinAPI.withTString valueName $ \valueNamePtr ->
+ alloca $ \dataSizePtr -> do
+ poke dataSizePtr 0
+ ret <- WinAPI.c_RegQueryValueEx keyPtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataSizePtr
+ if ret /= exitCodeSuccess
+ then raiseError "RegQueryValueEx" ret
+ else getStringTerminated keyPtr valueNamePtr dataSizePtr
+ where
+ getStringTerminated keyPtr valueNamePtr dataSizePtr = do
+ dataSize <- peek dataSizePtr
+ let newDataSize = dataSize + fromIntegral (sizeOf (undefined :: WinAPI.TCHAR))
+ poke dataSizePtr newDataSize
+ allocaBytes (fromIntegral newDataSize) $ \dataPtr -> do
+ poke (castPtr $ plusPtr dataPtr $ fromIntegral dataSize) '\0'
+ ret <- WinAPI.c_RegQueryValueEx keyPtr valueNamePtr WinAPI.nullPtr WinAPI.nullPtr dataPtr dataSizePtr
+ if ret == exitCodeSuccess
+ then WinAPI.peekTString $ castPtr dataPtr
+ else raiseError "RegQueryValueEx" ret
+setString :: KeyHandle -> ValueName -> ValueData -> IO ()
+setString key name value =
+ WinAPI.withTString value $ \valuePtr -> do
+ type_ <- catchIOError (getType key name) stringTypeByDefault
+ WinAPI.regSetValueEx key name type_ valuePtr valueSize
+ where
+ stringTypeByDefault e = if isDoesNotExistError e
+ then return WinAPI.rEG_SZ
+ else ioError e
+ valueSize = (length value + 1) * sizeOf (undefined :: WinAPI.TCHAR)