{- - Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin - This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. - See LICENSE.txt for details. -} module Main (main) where import Options.Applicative import qualified Environment data Options = Options { optGlobal :: Bool , optName :: String } deriving (Eq, Show) options :: Parser Options options = Options <$> optGlobalDesc <*> optNameDesc where optGlobalDesc = switch $ long "global" <> short 'g' <> help "Whether to unset for all users" optNameDesc = argument str $ metavar "NAME" <> help "Variable name" main :: IO () main = execParser parser >>= unsetEnv where parser = info (helper <*> options) $ fullDesc <> progDesc "Unset environment variables" unsetEnv :: Options -> IO () unsetEnv options = Environment.wipeWithPrompt env varName where env | optGlobal options = Environment.AllUsers | otherwise = Environment.CurrentUser varName = optName options