{- - Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin - This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. - See LICENSE.txt for details. -} module Windows.Environment ( Profile(..) , profileKeyPath , VarName , VarValue , query , engrave , wipe , pathJoin , pathSplit ) where import Data.List (intercalate) import Data.List.Split (splitOn) import System.IO.Error (catchIOError, isDoesNotExistError) import qualified Windows.Registry as Registry import Windows.Utils (notifyEnvironmentUpdate) data Profile = CurrentUser | AllUsers deriving (Eq, Show) profileRootKey :: Profile -> Registry.RootKey profileRootKey CurrentUser = Registry.CurrentUser profileRootKey AllUsers = Registry.LocalMachine profileRootKeyPath :: Profile -> Registry.KeyPath profileRootKeyPath = Registry.rootKeyPath . profileRootKey profileSubKeyPath :: Profile -> Registry.KeyPath profileSubKeyPath CurrentUser = Registry.keyPathFromString "Environment" profileSubKeyPath AllUsers = Registry.keyPathFromString "SYSTEM\\CurrentControlSet\\Control\\Session Manager\\Environment" profileKeyPath :: Profile -> Registry.KeyPath profileKeyPath profile = Registry.keyPathJoin [ profileRootKeyPath profile , profileSubKeyPath profile ] openRootProfileKey :: Profile -> Registry.KeyHandle openRootProfileKey = Registry.openRootKey . profileRootKey openProfileKey :: Profile -> IO Registry.KeyHandle openProfileKey profile = Registry.openSubKey (openRootProfileKey profile) (profileSubKeyPath profile) type VarName = Registry.ValueName type VarValue = Registry.ValueData query :: Profile -> VarName -> IO (Maybe VarValue) query profile name = do keyHandle <- openProfileKey profile catchIOError (Registry.getString keyHandle name >>= return . Just) emptyIfDoesNotExist where emptyIfDoesNotExist e = if isDoesNotExistError e then return Nothing else ioError e engrave :: Profile -> VarName -> VarValue -> IO () engrave profile name value = do keyHandle <- openProfileKey profile Registry.setString keyHandle name value notifyEnvironmentUpdate wipe :: Profile -> VarName -> IO () wipe profile name = do keyHandle <- openProfileKey profile catchIOError (Registry.delValue keyHandle name) ignoreIfDoesNotExist notifyEnvironmentUpdate where ignoreIfDoesNotExist e = if isDoesNotExistError e then return () else ioError e pathSep :: VarValue pathSep = ";" pathSplit :: VarValue -> [VarValue] pathSplit = filter (not . null) . splitOn pathSep pathJoin :: [VarValue] -> VarValue pathJoin = intercalate pathSep . filter (not . null)