-- This is the configuration file for the 'cabal' command line tool. -- The available configuration options are listed below. -- Some of them have default values listed. -- Lines (like this one) beginning with '--' are comments. -- Be careful with spaces and indentation because they are -- used to indicate layout for nested sections. -- Cabal library version: -- cabal-install version: repository hackage.haskell.org url: http://hackage.haskell.org/ -- secure: False -- root-keys: -- key-threshold: -- default-user-config: -- require-sandbox: False -- ignore-sandbox: False -- ignore-expiry: False -- http-transport: remote-repo-cache: C:\Users\Egor\AppData\Roaming\cabal\packages -- local-repo: -- logs-dir: world-file: C:\Users\Egor\AppData\Roaming\cabal\world -- verbose: 1 -- compiler: ghc -- with-compiler: -- with-hc-pkg: -- program-prefix: -- program-suffix: -- library-vanilla: True -- library-profiling: -- shared: -- executable-dynamic: False -- profiling: -- executable-profiling: -- profiling-detail: -- library-profiling-detail: -- optimization: True -- debug-info: False -- library-for-ghci: True -- split-objs: False -- executable-stripping: True -- library-stripping: True -- configure-option: user-install: False -- package-db: -- flags: extra-include-dirs: C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\8.0.1\mingw\include extra-lib-dirs: C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\8.0.1\mingw\lib -- extra-framework-dirs: extra-prog-path: C:\Users\Egor\AppData\Roaming\cabal\bin;C:\Program Files\Haskell Platform\8.0.1\msys\usr\bin -- tests: False -- coverage: False -- library-coverage: -- allow-newer: False -- exact-configuration: False -- benchmarks: False -- relocatable: False -- cabal-lib-version: -- constraint: -- preference: -- solver: choose -- documentation: False -- doc-index-file: $datadir\doc\$arch-$os-$compiler\index.html -- max-backjumps: 2000 -- reorder-goals: False -- shadow-installed-packages: False -- strong-flags: False -- reinstall: False -- avoid-reinstalls: False -- force-reinstalls: False -- upgrade-dependencies: False -- root-cmd: -- symlink-bindir: build-summary: C:\Users\Egor\AppData\Roaming\cabal\logs\build.log -- build-log: remote-build-reporting: anonymous -- report-planning-failure: False -- one-shot: False -- run-tests: jobs: $ncpus -- offline: False -- username: -- password: -- password-command: -- builddir: haddock -- keep-temp-files: False -- hoogle: False -- html: False -- html-location: -- for-hackage: False -- executables: False -- tests: False -- benchmarks: False -- all: -- internal: False -- css: -- hyperlink-source: False -- hscolour-css: -- contents-location: install-dirs user -- prefix: C:\Users\Egor\AppData\Roaming\cabal -- bindir: $prefix\bin -- libdir: $prefix -- libsubdir: $abi\$libname -- libexecdir: $prefix\$libname -- datadir: $prefix -- datasubdir: $abi\$pkgid -- docdir: $datadir\doc\$abi\$pkgid -- htmldir: $docdir\html -- haddockdir: $htmldir -- sysconfdir: $prefix\etc install-dirs global -- prefix: C:\Program Files\Haskell -- bindir: $prefix\bin -- libdir: $prefix -- libsubdir: $abi\$libname -- libexecdir: $prefix\$libname -- datadir: $prefix -- datasubdir: $abi\$pkgid -- docdir: $datadir\doc\$abi\$pkgid -- htmldir: $docdir\html -- haddockdir: $htmldir -- sysconfdir: $prefix\etc program-locations -- alex-location: -- ar-location: -- c2hs-location: -- cpphs-location: -- gcc-location: -- ghc-location: -- ghc-pkg-location: -- ghcjs-location: -- ghcjs-pkg-location: -- greencard-location: -- haddock-location: -- happy-location: -- haskell-suite-location: -- haskell-suite-pkg-location: -- hmake-location: -- hpc-location: -- hsc2hs-location: -- hscolour-location: -- jhc-location: -- ld-location: -- lhc-location: -- lhc-pkg-location: -- pkg-config-location: -- strip-location: -- tar-location: -- uhc-location: program-default-options -- alex-options: -- ar-options: -- c2hs-options: -- cpphs-options: -- gcc-options: -- ghc-options: -- ghc-pkg-options: -- ghcjs-options: -- ghcjs-pkg-options: -- greencard-options: -- haddock-options: -- happy-options: -- haskell-suite-options: -- haskell-suite-pkg-options: -- hmake-options: -- hpc-options: -- hsc2hs-options: -- hscolour-options: -- jhc-options: -- ld-options: -- lhc-options: -- lhc-pkg-options: -- pkg-config-options: -- strip-options: -- tar-options: -- uhc-options: