version: '{build}' image: Visual Studio 2013 #environment: # APPVEYOR_RDP_PASSWORD: 'FooBar01!' #on_finish: # - ps: $blockRdp = $true; iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')) environment: global: python_exe: C:\Python36-x64\python.exe install_dir: C:\Projects\install\win7drv matrix: - appveyor_driver_target_os: Win7 - appveyor_driver_target_os: Win8 - appveyor_driver_target_os: Win8.1 platform: - Win32 - x64 configuration: - Debug - Release matrix: fast_finish: true install: - git submodule update --init --recursive build_script: - '"%python_exe%" um\cmake\cmake\build\ci\ --install "%install_dir%"' - ps: .\.appveyor\build.ps1 -InstallDir $env:install_dir after_build: - 7z.exe a "" "%install_dir%" - appveyor.exe PushArtifact "" for: # Only build Release builds for master to speed things up: - branches: except: - master configuration: - Debug # Workers are 64-bit, can't load 32-bit drivers. # - matrix: only: - platform: x64 install: - git submodule update --init --recursive - appveyor.exe AddMessage "Enabling self-signed drivers..." - bcdedit.exe /set TESTSIGNING ON - appveyor.exe AddMessage "Rebooting the worker..." - ps: Restart-Computer -Force - ps: Start-Sleep -s 10 - appveyor.exe AddMessage "OK" test_script: - ps: .\.appveyor\test.ps1 -InstallDir $env:install_dir