@rem Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin @rem This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. @rem See LICENSE.txt for details. @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @echo off call check_env.bat || exit /b !errorlevel! if [%BUILD_ALT_DIR%] == [] goto :ddk_not_set if [%_BUILDARCH%] == [] goto :ddk_not_set if not exist %root%\sign.bat ( echo Error: %root%\sign.bat is missing ^(don^'t know how to sign drivers^) exit /b 1 ) where build.exe >nul 2>&1 || goto :build_not_found where signtool.exe >nul 2>&1 || goto :signtool_not_found where makecert.exe >nul 2>&1 || goto :makecert_not_found where certmgr.exe >nul 2>&1 || goto :certmgr_not_found exit /b 0 :ddk_not_set echo Error: either %%BUILD_ALT_DIR%% or %%_BUILDARCH%% are not set ^(perhaps you forgot to set up the WinDDK environment^) exit /b 1 :build_not_found echo Error: build.exe not found ^(perhaps you forgot to set up the WinDDK environment^) exit /b 1 :signtool_not_found echo Error: signtool.exe not found ^(perhaps you forgot to set up the WinDDK environment^) exit /b 1 :makecert_not_found echo Error: makecert.exe not found ^(perhaps you forgot to set up the WinDDK environment^) exit /b 1 :certmgr_not_found echo Error: certmgr.exe not found ^(perhaps you forgot to set up the WinDDK environment^) exit /b 1