@rem Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin @rem This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. @rem See LICENSE.txt for details. @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @echo off if [%1] == [] ( echo Usage: %~0 DRIVER_SRC_ROOT exit /b 1 ) call check_ddk.bat || exit /b !errorlevel! call check_env.bat || exit /b !errorlevel! set driver_src_root=%~f1 cd "%driver_src_root%" for /f %%i in ("%driver_src_root%") do ( set driver_name=%%~ni set driver_dist_root=%%~dpi ) call :make_relative driver_dist_root "%src_root%" set sys_dist_dir=%bin_root%\%target_platform%\%target_configuration%\%dist_root% set pdb_dist_dir=%bin_root%\%target_platform%\%target_configuration%\%dist_root% set lib_dist_dir=%lib_root%\%target_platform%\%target_configuration%\%dist_root% echo =========================== DRIVER INFO =========================== echo Driver source directory: "%driver_src_root%" echo Driver name: "%driver_name%" echo ========================= END DRIVER INFO ========================= echo. echo ============================== CLEAN ============================== call :clean_rmdir "obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%" || goto :clean_failure call :clean_del "build%BUILD_ALT_DIR%.err" || goto :clean_failure call :clean_del "build%BUILD_ALT_DIR%.log" || goto :clean_failure call :clean_del "build%BUILD_ALT_DIR%.wrn" || goto :clean_failure call :clean_del "%sys_dist_dir%%driver_name%.sys" || goto :clean_failure call :clean_del "%pdb_dist_dir%%driver_name%.pdb" || goto :clean_failure call :clean_del "%lib_dist_dir%%driver_name%.lib" || goto :clean_failure echo ========================== CLEAN SUCCESS ========================== exit /b :clean_rmdir if exist "%~1\" ( echo rmdir /s /q "%~1"... rmdir /s /q "%~1" >nul || exit /b !errorlevel! ) exit /b :clean_del if exist "%~1" ( echo del "%~1" del "%~1" >nul || exit /b !errorlevel! ) exit /b :clean_failure echo ========================== CLEAN FAILURE ========================== exit /b %errorlevel% :make_relative @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set src=%~1 if defined %1 set src=!%~1! set base=%~2 if not defined base set base=%cd% for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%src%") do set src=%%~fa for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%base%") do set base=%%~fa set match= set c= for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('echo.%base:\=^&echo.%') do ( set sub=!sub!%%a\ call set tmp=%%src:!sub!=%% if "!tmp!" neq "!src!" ( set match=!sub! ) else ( set upper=!upper!..\ ) ) set src=%upper%!src:%match%=! (endlocal if defined %1 (set %~1=%src%) else (echo.%src%)) exit /b