@rem Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin @rem This file is part of the "Windows 7 drivers" project. @rem For details, see https://github.com/egor-tensin/windows7-drivers. @rem Distributed under the MIT License. @echo off set "root=%~dp0%" set "src_root=%root%src" set "bin_root=%root%bin" set "lib_root=%root%lib" set target_configuration=Release if not defined _BUILDARCH ( echo Error: %%_BUILDARCH%% is not defined ^(have you set up the WinDDK environment?^) >&2 exit /b 1 ) if "%_BUILDARCH%" == "AMD64" ( set target_platform=x64 exit /b 0 ) if "%_BUILDARCH%" == "x86" ( set target_platform=x86 exit /b 0 ) echo Error: invalid %%_BUILDARCH%% value "%_BUILDARCH%" ^(the only supported architecture is x86^(-64^)^) >&2 exit /b 1