@rem Copyright 2015 Egor Tensin @rem This file is licensed under the terms of the MIT License. @rem See LICENSE.txt for details. @setlocal enabledelayedexpansion @echo off set cert_name=windows_drivers if [%1] == [] ( echo Usage: %0 SYS_PATH exit /b 1 ) set sys_path=%~f1 echo ============================ CERT INFO ============================ echo Certificate name: "%cert_name%" echo ========================== END CERT INFO ========================== echo. echo ============================= SIGNING ============================= call check_ddk.bat || goto :signing_failure echo signtool.exe sign /s root /n "%cert_name%" "%sys_path%" signtool.exe sign /s root /n "%cert_name%" "%sys_path%" >nul || goto :signing_failure echo signtool.exe verify /pa "%sys_path%" signtool.exe verify /pa "%sys_path%" >nul || goto :signing_failure echo ========================= SIGNING SUCCESS ========================= exit /b 0 :signing_failure echo ========================= SIGNING FAILURE ========================= exit /b %errorlevel%