Driver utilities ================ A couple of usage examples are included along with the drivers. * [libservice]: Utilities to load/unload the drivers. * [libsimple]: [simple] driver usage examples. * [libnt_path_converter]: [nt_path_converter] driver usage examples. [libservice]: service/ [libsimple]: wrappers/simple/ [simple]: ../km/src/simple [libnt_path_converter]: wrappers/special/nt_path_converter/ [nt_path_converter]: ../km/src/special/nt_path_converter Building -------- Create the build files using CMake and build using Visual Studio. For example, using Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 for Windows Desktop (targetting x86): > cd C:\workspace\build\windows7-drivers\um > cmake -G "Visual Studio 12 2013" C:\workspace\personal\windows7-drivers\um ... > cmake --build . --config release ... See also -------- * [License] [License]: ../