path: root/assets/js/main.js
blob: a5e799b83f4ffb8afec95f8dbe281fd981ff1157 (plain) (tree)























































































































































































var iface = 'wg0';

function parse_placeholder(val) {
    return val;

function parse_boolean(val) {
    if (val === 'true')
        return true;
    if (val === 'false')
        return false;
    throw new Error('Cannot parse as a boolean.');

function parse_boolean_or_string(val) {
    if (typeof val == 'boolean') {
        return val;
    return parse_boolean(val);

function try_parse_boolean_or_string(val) {
    try {
        return parse_boolean_or_string(val);
    } catch (err) {
        return null;

function parse_positive_integer(src) {
    var val = parseInt(src);
    if (isNaN(val) || val < 1)
        throw new Error('Cannot parse as a positive integer.');
    return val;

function parse_keepalive(src) {
    return parse_positive_integer(src);

function parse_tunnel_everything(src) {
    return parse_boolean_or_string(src);

function parse_endpoint(val) {
    val = val.trim();
    if (val.length == 0)
        throw new Error('Server endpoint cannot be an empty string.');
    if (!val.match(/^.+:[0-9]+$/))
        throw new Error('Please specify a host and a port in the HOST:PORT format.');
    return val;

function parse_key(val) {
    val = val.trim();
    if (val.length == 0)
        throw new Error('Key as used by WireGuard cannot be an empty string.');
    if (!val.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z+/=]+$/))
        throw new Error('Key as used by WireGuard must be Base64-encoded.');
    return val;

var ip_address_lib = require('ip-address');

function parse_ip_internal(src, parser) {
    src = src.trim();
    if (src.length == 0)
        throw new Error('IP address cannot be an empty string.');

    try {
        var result = new parser(src);
    } catch (err) {
        throw new Error('Sorry, IP address validation failed with the following error:\n' + err.message);
    return result;

function parse_ip(src, parser) {
    var result = parse_ip_internal(src, parser);

    if (result.parsedSubnet)
        throw new Error('Please specify address without the netmask.')

    return result.correctForm();

function parse_ip_cidr(src, parser) {
    var result = parse_ip_internal(src, parser);

    if (!result.parsedSubnet)
        throw new Error('Please specify address using the CIDR format (including the netmask).');

    var addr = result.correctForm();
    var netmask = result.subnetMask;
    var network_id = result.startAddress().correctForm();

    return [addr, netmask, network_id];

function parse_ipv4(src) {
    var result = parse_ip(src, ip_address_lib.Address4);
    return result;

function parse_ipv4_cidr(src) {
    var parser = ip_address_lib.Address4;
    var result = parse_ip_cidr(src, ip_address_lib.Address4);

    var addr = result[0];
    var netmask = result[1];
    var network_id = result[2];
    var broadcast_addr = new parser(src).endAddress().correctForm();

    if (addr == network_id && netmask != 32)
        throw new Error('Please use a real host IP address, not a network identifier.');
    if (addr == broadcast_addr && netmask != 32)
        throw new Error('Please use a real host IP address, not a broadcast address.');

    return result;

function parse_ipv6(val) {
    return parse_ip(val, ip_address_lib.Address6);

function parse_ipv6_cidr(val) {
    return parse_ip_cidr(val, ip_address_lib.Address6);

function parse_ip_list(val, addr_parser) {
    var parts = val.split(/, */);
    var result = [];
    parts.forEach(function(part) {
    return result;

var Input = function(name) {
    this.name = name;

    if (this.is_checkbox()) {
        // Keep the checked property and the value consistent.
        $(this.input_id()).change(function(evt) {
            var elem = evt.target;
            elem.value = elem.checked;

Input.prototype.input_id = function() {
    return '#param_' + this.name;

Input.prototype.error_id = function() {
    return this.input_id() + '_error';

Input.prototype.container_id = function() {
    return this.input_id() + '_container';

Input.prototype.is_checkbox = function() {
    return $(this.input_id()).attr('type') == 'checkbox';

Input.prototype.value = function() {
    return $(this.input_id()).val();

Input.prototype.has_value = function() {
    return this.value().length > 0;

Input.prototype.set = function(value) {
    if (this.is_checkbox() && try_parse_boolean_or_string(value))
        $(this.input_id()).prop('checked', true);

Input.prototype.show = function() {

Input.prototype.hide = function() {

Input.prototype.show_error = function(msg) {

Input.prototype.hide_error = function() {

var Value = function(name, parser) {
    this.name = name;
    this.input = new Input(name);
    this.parser = parser;
    this.optional = false;
    this.advanced = false;

    this.value = null;
    this.error = null;

Value.prototype.parse = function() {
    return this.parse_from(this.input.value());

Value.prototype.parse_from = function(src) {
    try {
        var value = src;
        switch (typeof value) {
            case 'boolean':
                value = this.parser(value);
                if (this.optional && value.length == 0)
                value = this.parser(value);
        return true;
    } catch (err) {
        return false;

Value.prototype.set_value = function(value) {
    this.value = value;
    this.error = null;

Value.prototype.set_error = function(msg) {
    this.value = null;
    this.error = msg;

Value.prototype.is_set = function() {
    return this.input.has_value();

Value.prototype.show = function() {

Value.prototype.hide = function() {

var Endpoint = function(name) {
    Value.call(this, name, parse_endpoint);

Endpoint.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype);
Endpoint.prototype.constructor = Endpoint;

var Key = function(name) {
    Value.call(this, name, parse_key);

Key.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype);
Key.prototype.constructor = Key;

var IPAddr = function(name, parser) {
    Value.call(this, name, parser);

IPAddr.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype);
IPAddr.prototype.constructor = IPAddr;

IPAddr.prototype.set_value = function(value) {
    Value.prototype.set_value.call(this, value);

    this.addr = this.value[0];
    this.netmask = this.value[1];
    this.network_id = this.value[2];

IPAddr.prototype.full_address = function() {
    return this.addr + '/' + this.netmask;

IPAddr.prototype.allowed_ips_client = function() {
    // As of this writing, _every_ tool accepts something like
    // here, _except_ for the Android app, which _requires_ the least
    // significant bits to be zeroed out.
    return this.network_id + '/' + this.netmask;

var IPv4 = function(name) {
    IPAddr.call(this, name, parse_ipv4_cidr);

IPv4.prototype = Object.create(IPAddr.prototype);
IPv4.prototype.constructor = IPv4;

IPv4.prototype.allowed_ips_server = function() {
    return this.addr + '/' + 32;

var IPv6 = function(name) {
    IPAddr.call(this, name, parse_ipv6_cidr);

IPv6.prototype = Object.create(IPAddr.prototype);
IPv6.prototype.constructor = IPv6;

IPv6.prototype.allowed_ips_server = function() {
    return this.addr + '/' + 128;

var Keepalive = function(name) {
    Value.call(this, name, parse_keepalive);
    this.optional = true;
    this.advanced = true;

Keepalive.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype);
Keepalive.prototype.constructor = Keepalive;

var TunnelEverything = function(name) {
    Value.call(this, name, parse_tunnel_everything);
    this.optional = true;
    this.advanced = true;

TunnelEverything.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype);
TunnelEverything.prototype.constructor = TunnelEverything;

var IPAddrList = function(name, parser) {
    Value.call(this, name, function(val) {
        return parse_ip_list(val, parser);

IPAddrList.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype);
IPAddrList.prototype.constructor = IPAddrList;

var DNS_IPv4 = function(name) {
    IPAddrList.call(this, name, parse_ipv4);
    this.optional = true;
    this.advanced = true;

DNS_IPv4.prototype = Object.create(IPAddrList.prototype);
DNS_IPv4.prototype.constructor = DNS_IPv4;

var DNS_IPv6 = function(name) {
    IPAddrList.call(this, name, parse_ipv6);
    this.optional = true;
    this.advanced = true;

DNS_IPv6.prototype = Object.create(IPAddrList.prototype);
DNS_IPv6.prototype.constructor = DNS_IPv6;

var Data = function() {
    this.server_public   = new Key('server_public');
    this.server_endpoint = new Endpoint('server_endpoint');
    this.preshared       = new Key('preshared');
    this.client_public   = new Key('client_public');
    this.client_private  = new Key('client_private');
    this.client_ipv4     = new IPv4('client_ipv4');
    this.client_ipv6     = new IPv6('client_ipv6');
    this.keepalive       = new Keepalive('keepalive');
    this.tunnel_everything = new TunnelEverything('tunnel_everything');
    this.dns_ipv4        = new DNS_IPv4('dns_ipv4');
    this.dns_ipv6        = new DNS_IPv6('dns_ipv6');

    this.values = [

Data.prototype.set_from_url = function(url) {
    var url = new URL(url);
    var params = new URLSearchParams(url.search);
    var has = false;

    this.values.forEach(function(value) {
        if (params.has(value.name)) {
            has = true;

    return has;

Data.prototype.set_from_this_url = function() {
    return this.set_from_url(window.location.href);

Data.prototype.get_perma_url = function() {
    var url = new URL(window.location.href);
    url.search = '';
    var params = new URLSearchParams();
    this.values.forEach(function(value) {
        params.append(value.name, value.input.value());
    url.search = params.toString();
    return url.toString();

Data.prototype.parse = function() {
    var success = true;

    this.values.forEach(function(value) {
        if (!value.parse())
            success = false;

    if (success) {
        if (!$('#advanced_params').prop('checked'))
    } else {
    return success;

Data.prototype.show_error = function() {
    $('#params_error').text('Please correct the input errors above first.');

Data.prototype.hide_error = function() {

Data.prototype.show_advanced = function() {
    this.values.forEach(function(value) {
        if (!value.advanced)

Data.prototype.hide_advanced = function() {
    this.values.forEach(function(value) {
        if (!value.advanced)

function basename(path) {
    return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

function download(file_name, text) {
    // The type must be application/octet-stream; if it's text/plain, the
    // Android Chrome appends the .txt suffix to the downloaded file names.
    var blob = new Blob([text], {type: 'application/octet-stream'});
    var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);

    var link = $('<a/>');
    link.prop('href', url);
    link.prop('download', file_name);

    // Whoever thought of this [0] is fucking crazy:
    // https://stackoverflow.com/a/36483380/514684
    // It literally silently does nothing if this is omitted.

function copy_to_clipboard(elem) {
    // This is rather neat, thanks:
    // https://stackoverflow.com/a/22581382/514684

    // Apparently, you can only do execCommand('copy') from <input> and
    // <textarea> elements. Another stupidity, I'm so surprised.
    var is_input = elem.tagName === 'INPUT' || elem.tagName === 'TEXTAREA';
    var orig_select_start, orig_select_end;

    if (is_input) {
        var target = elem;
        orig_select_start = elem.selectionStart;
        orig_select_end = elem.selectionEnd;
    } else {
        var target = document.createElement('textarea');
        target.textContent = elem.textContent;

    var current_focus = document.activeElement;
    target.setSelectionRange(0, target.value.length);

    var succeed;
    try {
        // Supposedly, this is deprecated. But the "proper" method sucks balls,
        // so I'm using this one:
        // https://stackoverflow.com/a/30810322/514684
        succeed = document.execCommand('copy');
    } catch (e) {
        succeed = false;

    if (current_focus && typeof current_focus.focus === "function") {

    if (is_input) {
        elem.setSelectionRange(orig_select_start, orig_select_end);
    } else {
    return succeed;

var OverlayButton = function(title, icon, click_handler) {
    this.btn = $('<button/>', {
        'class': 'btn btn-default',
        type: 'button',
        on: {
            click: click_handler
    this.title = title;
    this.icon = icon;
    this.show_icon(title, icon);

OverlayButton.prototype.show_icon = function(title, icon) {
    this.btn.prop('title', title);
    this.btn.append($('<span/>', {
        'class': `glyphicon glyphicon-${icon}`

var EditButton = function(cfg) {
    var self = this;
    OverlayButton.call(this, 'Edit', 'pencil', function(evt) {
        return self.on_click(cfg);

EditButton.prototype = Object.create(OverlayButton.prototype);
EditButton.prototype.constructor = EditButton;

EditButton.prototype.on_click = function(cfg) {
    var editable = cfg.pre.prop('isContentEditable');
    cfg.pre.prop('contentEditable', !editable);
    if (editable) {
        this.show_icon(this.title, this.icon);
        this.btn.blur(); // a.k.a. unfocus
    } else {
        this.show_icon('Save', 'floppy-disk');

var DownloadButton = function(cfg) {
    var self = this;
    OverlayButton.call(this, 'Download', 'download-alt', function(evt) {
        return self.on_click(cfg);

DownloadButton.prototype = Object.create(OverlayButton.prototype);
DownloadButton.prototype.constructor = DownloadButton;

DownloadButton.prototype.on_click = function(cfg) {
    return download(basename(cfg.name), cfg.pre.text());

var CopyButton = function(cfg) {
    var self = this;
    OverlayButton.call(this, 'Copy', 'copy', function(evt) {
        return self.on_click(cfg);

CopyButton.prototype = Object.create(OverlayButton.prototype);
CopyButton.prototype.constructor = CopyButton;

CopyButton.prototype.on_click = function(cfg) {
    return copy_to_clipboard(cfg.pre[0]);

var ConfigFile = function(name, text) {
    this.name = name;
    this.text = text;
    this.pre = $('<pre/>').text(text);

ConfigFile.prototype.format = function() {
    var buttons = [
        new CopyButton(this),
        new DownloadButton(this),
        new EditButton(this)

    var overlay = $('<div class="pre_buttons btn-group btn-group-xs" role="group"/>');
    buttons.forEach(function(btn) {

    return $('<div class="pre_container"/>')

var QRCode = function(pre) {
    this.pre = pre;

function draw_qr_code(container, text) {
    var canvas = $('<canvas/>');
    var qr = new QRious({
        element: canvas[0],
        value: text,
        size: 350

QRCode.prototype.format = function() {
    var container = $('<div class="text-center"/>');
    var pre = this.pre;
    pre.on('blur', function() {
        draw_qr_code(container, pre.text());
    draw_qr_code(container, pre.text());
    return container;

var catchall_ipv4 = '';
var catchall_ipv6 = '::/0';

function wg_quick_client_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/wireguard/${iface}.conf`;

    var dns = '';
    var allowed_ips = `${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_client()}, ${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_client()}`;
    var keepalive = '';

    if (data.tunnel_everything.value) {
        dns = `DNS = ${(data.dns_ipv4.value.concat(data.dns_ipv6.value)).join(',')}\n`;
        allowed_ips = `${catchall_ipv4}, ${catchall_ipv6}`;
    if (data.keepalive.is_set()) {
        keepalive = `PersistentKeepalive = ${data.keepalive.value}\n`;

    var contents =
`# On the client, put this to
#     ${path}
# and either
#     * start the wg-quick@${iface} systemd service,
#     * or run \`wg-quick up ${iface}\`.

PrivateKey = ${data.client_private.value}
Address = ${data.client_ipv4.full_address()}, ${data.client_ipv6.full_address()}
Endpoint = ${data.server_endpoint.value}
PublicKey = ${data.server_public.value}
PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value}
AllowedIPs = ${allowed_ips}

    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function wg_quick_server_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/wireguard/${iface}.conf`;

    var contents =
`# On the server, add this to
#     ${path}
# and restart the wg-quick@${iface} systemd service.

# Previous contents goes here...

PublicKey = ${data.client_public.value}
PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value}
AllowedIPs = ${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_server()}, ${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_server()}

    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function systemd_client_netdev_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/systemd/network/${iface}.netdev`;

    var fwmark = '';
    var allowed_ips = `${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_client()}, ${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_client()}`;
    var keepalive = '';

    if (data.tunnel_everything.value) {
        fwmark = `FirewallMark = 0x8888\n`;
        allowed_ips = `${catchall_ipv4}, ${catchall_ipv6}`;
    if (data.keepalive.is_set()) {
        keepalive = `PersistentKeepalive = ${data.keepalive.value}\n`;

    var contents =
`# On the client, you need two files. Put this into
#     ${path}
# and after you're done with both files, run
#     systemctl daemon-reload
#     systemctl restart systemd-networkd

Name = ${iface}
Kind = wireguard

PrivateKey = ${data.client_private.value}
Endpoint = ${data.server_endpoint.value}
PublicKey = ${data.server_public.value}
PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value}
AllowedIPs = ${allowed_ips}

    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function systemd_client_network_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/systemd/network/${iface}.network`;

    var dns = '';

    if (data.tunnel_everything.value) {
        data.dns_ipv4.value.forEach(function(val) {
            dns += `DNS = ${val}\n`;
        data.dns_ipv6.value.forEach(function(val) {
            dns += `DNS = ${val}\n`;
        dns +=
`Domains = ~.
DNSDefaultRoute = true

FirewallMark = 0x8888
InvertRule = true
Table = 1000
Priority = 10

    var contents =
`# This is the second file. Put this into
#     ${path}
# and if you're done with the first file already, run
#     systemctl daemon-reload
#     systemctl restart systemd-networkd

Name = ${iface}

Address = ${data.client_ipv4.full_address()}
Address = ${data.client_ipv6.full_address()}

    // I know the above doesn't work, but I don't care, systemd-networkd is a
    // fucking nightmare.
    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function systemd_server_netdev_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/systemd/network/${iface}.netdev`;

    var contents =
`# On the server, add this to
#     ${path}
# and run
#     systemctl daemon-reload
#     systemctl restart systemd-networkd

# Previous contents goes here...

PublicKey = ${data.client_public.value}
PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value}
AllowedIPs = ${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_server()}, ${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_server()}

    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function nmcli_client_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${iface}.nmconnection`;

    var allowed_ips = `${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_client()};${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_client()};`;
    var dns4 = '';
    var dns6 = '';
    var keepalive = '';

    if (data.tunnel_everything.value) {
        allowed_ips = `${catchall_ipv4};${catchall_ipv6};`;
        dns4 =
        dns6 =
    if (data.keepalive.is_set()) {
        keepalive = `persistent-keepalive=${data.keepalive.value}\n`;

    var contents =
`# On the client, put this to
#     ${path}
# and run
#     chmod 0600 ${path}
#     nmcli c reload
#     nmcli c up ${iface}




    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function nmcli_server_file(data) {
    var path = `/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${iface}.nmconnection`;

    var contents =
`# On the server, add this to
#     ${path}
# and run
#     nmcli c reload
#     nmcli c up ${iface}

# Previous contents goes here...


    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

var shell_info =
`# Make sure your .bash_history or whatever is
# secure before running this.
# Better yet, put into a file and run (possibly, using sudo).`;

function manual_client_script(data) {
    var path = 'client_setup.sh';

    var allowed_ips = `${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_client()},${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_client()}`;
    var keepalive = '';

    if (data.tunnel_everything.value) {
        allowed_ips = `${catchall_ipv4},${catchall_ipv6}`;
    if (data.keepalive.is_set()) {
        keepalive = `    persistent-keepalive ${data.keepalive.value} \\\n`;

    var contents =
`# On the client, run this to set up a connection.

ip link add dev ${iface} type wireguard
ip addr add ${data.client_ipv4.full_address()} dev ${iface}
ip addr add ${data.client_ipv6.full_address()} dev ${iface}
wg set ${iface} \\
    private-key <( echo ${data.client_private.value} )
wg set ${iface} \\
    peer ${data.server_public.value} \\
    preshared-key <( echo ${data.preshared.value} ) \\
${keepalive}    endpoint ${data.server_endpoint.value} \\
    allowed-ips ${allowed_ips}
ip link set ${iface} up

    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

function manual_server_script(data) {
    var path = 'server_setup.sh';

    var contents =
`# On the server, run this to tweak an existing connection.

wg set ${iface} \\
    peer ${data.client_public.value} \\
    preshared-key <( echo ${data.preshared.value} ) \\
    allowed-ips ${data.client_ipv4.allowed_ips_server()},${data.client_ipv6.allowed_ips_server()}

    return new ConfigFile(path, contents);

var Guide = function(name) {
    this.name = name;

Guide.prototype.format = function(data) {
    var container = $('<div/>');
    return container;

var GuidePermaURL = function() {
    Guide.call(this, 'Permanent URL');

GuidePermaURL.prototype = Object.create(Guide.prototype);
GuidePermaURL.prototype.constructor = GuidePermaURL;

GuidePermaURL.prototype.format = function(data) {
    var container = Guide.prototype.format.call(this, data);
        .append($('<p/>').text('Use the following URL to share this configuration. Be careful: it probably contains sensitive data, like your private keys.'))
        .append($('<pre/>').append($('<a/>', {href: data.get_perma_url()}).text(data.get_perma_url())));
    return container;

var GuideServerClient = function(name) {
    Guide.call(this, name);

GuideServerClient.prototype = Object.create(Guide.prototype);
GuideServerClient.prototype.constructor = GuideServerClient;

GuideServerClient.prototype.for_server = function(data) { return []; }
GuideServerClient.prototype.for_client = function(data) { return []; }

GuideServerClient.prototype.join_guides = function(guides) {
    var container = $('<div/>');
    guides.forEach(function(guide) {
    return container;

GuideServerClient.prototype.format = function(data) {
    var container = Guide.prototype.format.call(this, data);
        .append($('<div class="row"/>')
            .append($('<div class="col-md-6"/>')
            .append($('<div class="col-md-6"/>')
    return container;

var GuideWgQuick = function() {
    GuideServerClient.call(this, 'wg-quick');

GuideWgQuick.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype);
GuideWgQuick.prototype.constructor = GuideWgQuick;

GuideWgQuick.prototype.for_client = function(data) {
    var config = wg_quick_client_file(data);
    var qr = new QRCode(config.pre);
    return [config, qr];

GuideWgQuick.prototype.for_server = function(data) {
    return [wg_quick_server_file(data)];

var GuideSystemd = function() {
    GuideServerClient.call(this, 'systemd-networkd');

GuideSystemd.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype);
GuideSystemd.prototype.constructor = GuideSystemd;

GuideSystemd.prototype.for_client = function(data) {
    return [systemd_client_netdev_file(data), systemd_client_network_file(data)];

GuideSystemd.prototype.for_server = function(data) {
    return [systemd_server_netdev_file(data)];

var GuideNetworkManager = function() {
    GuideServerClient.call(this, 'NetworkManager');

GuideNetworkManager.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype);
GuideNetworkManager.prototype.constructor = GuideNetworkManager;

GuideNetworkManager.prototype.for_client = function(data) {
    return [nmcli_client_file(data)];

GuideNetworkManager.prototype.for_server = function(data) {
    return [nmcli_server_file(data)];

var GuideManual = function() {
    GuideServerClient.call(this, '<code>ip</code> &amp; <code>wg</code>');

GuideManual.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype);
GuideManual.prototype.constructor = GuideManual;

GuideManual.prototype.for_client = function(data) {
    return [manual_client_script(data)];

GuideManual.prototype.for_server = function(data) {
    return [manual_server_script(data)];

function clear_guides() {

function add_guide(guide, data) {

function guides_from_data(data) {
    if (!data.parse()) {

    var guides = [
        new GuidePermaURL(),
        new GuideWgQuick(),
        new GuideNetworkManager(),
        new GuideSystemd(),
        new GuideManual()

    guides.forEach(function(guide) {
        add_guide(guide, data);

function form_on_submit() {

    var data = new Data();

    return false;

function advanced_params_on_click(input) {
    var data = new Data();
    if (input.checked)

function main() {
    var data = new Data();
    if (data.set_from_this_url())

$(function() {