var iface = 'wg0'; var persistent_keepalive = 25; function parse_placeholder(val) { return true; } function parse_endpoint(val) { val = val.trim(); if (val.length == 0) { throw new Error('Server endpoint cannot be an empty string.'); } if (!val.match(/^.+:[0-9]+$/)) { throw new Error('Please specify a host and a port in the HOST:PORT format.'); } return val; } function parse_key(val) { val = val.trim(); if (val.length == 0) { throw new Error('Key as used by WireGuard cannot be an empty string.'); } if (!val.match(/^[0-9a-zA-Z+/=]+$/)) { throw new Error('Key as used by WireGuard must be Base64-encoded.'); } return val; } var IPAddr = function(src, parser) { this.src = src; this.parser = parser; try { var val = parser.parseCIDR(src); } catch (err) { throw new Error('Sorry, IP address validation failed with the following error:\n' + err.message); } this.addr = val[0]; this.netmask = val[1]; this.str = this.addr.toString(); this.networkID = parser.networkAddressFromCIDR(this.src); if (this.addr.kind() == 'ipv4') { if (this.str == this.networkID) { throw new Error('Please use a real host IP address, not a network identifier.'); } var broadcast = parser.broadcastAddressFromCIDR(this.src); if (this.str == broadcast) { throw new Error('Please use a real host IP address, not a broadcast address.'); } } } IPAddr.prototype.address = function() { return this.str + '/' + this.netmask; } IPAddr.prototype.allowed_ips_client = function() { // As of this writing, _every_ tool accepts something like // here, _except_ for the Android app, which _requires_ the least // significant bits to be zeroed out. return this.networkID + '/' + this.netmask; } IPAddr.prototype.allowed_ips_server = function() { if (this.addr.kind() == 'ipv4') { var netmask = 32; } else if (this.addr.kind() == 'ipv6') { var netmask = 128; } else { throw new Error('What? Not IPv4, and _not_ IPv6?!'); } return this.str + '/' + netmask; } function parse_ip(src, parser) { src = src.trim(); if (src.length == 0) { throw new Error('IP address cannot be an empty string.'); } return new IPAddr(src, parser); } function parse_ipv4(val) { return parse_ip(val, ipaddr.IPv4); } function parse_ipv6(val) { return parse_ip(val, ipaddr.IPv6); } var Input = function(name) { = name; } Input.prototype.input_id = function() { return '#param_' +; } Input.prototype.error_id = function() { return this.input_id() + '_error'; } Input.prototype.value = function() { return $(this.input_id()).val(); } Input.prototype.set = function(value) { $(this.input_id()).val(value); } Input.prototype.show_error = function(msg) { $(this.error_id()).text(msg); $(this.error_id()).show(); } Input.prototype.hide_error = function() { $(this.error_id()).hide(); } var Value = function(name, parser) { = name; this.input = new Input(name); this.parser = parser; this.value = null; this.error = null; } Value.prototype.parse = function() { try { this.value = this.parser(this.input.value()); this.input.hide_error(); return true; } catch (err) { this.error = err.message; this.input.show_error(this.error); return false; } } Value.prototype.set = function(value) { this.input.set(value); } var Endpoint = function(name) {, name, parse_endpoint); } Endpoint.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype); Endpoint.prototype.constructor = Endpoint; var Key = function(name) {, name, parse_key); } Key.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype); Key.prototype.constructor = Key; var IPv4 = function(name) {, name, parse_ipv4); } IPv4.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype); IPv4.prototype.constructor = IPv4; var IPv6 = function(name) {, name, parse_ipv6); } IPv6.prototype = Object.create(Value.prototype); IPv6.prototype.constructor = IPv6; var Data = function() { this.server_public = new Key('server_public'); this.server_endpoint = new Endpoint('server_endpoint'); this.preshared = new Key('preshared'); this.client_public = new Key('client_public'); this.client_private = new Key('client_private'); this.client_ipv4 = new IPv4('client_ipv4'); this.client_ipv6 = new IPv6('client_ipv6'); this.values = [ this.server_public, this.server_endpoint, this.preshared, this.client_public, this.client_private, this.client_ipv4, this.client_ipv6 ]; } Data.prototype.set_from_url = function(url) { var url = new URL(url); var params = new URLSearchParams(; var has = false; this.values.forEach(function(value) { if (params.has( { value.set(params.get(; has = true; } }); return has; } Data.prototype.set_from_this_url = function() { return this.set_from_url(window.location.href); }; Data.prototype.get_perma_url = function() { var url = new URL(window.location.href); = ''; var params = new URLSearchParams(); this.values.forEach(function(value) { params.append(, value.input.value()); }); = params.toString(); return url.toString(); } Data.prototype.parse = function() { var success = true; this.values.forEach(function(value) { if (!value.parse()) { success = false; } }); if (!success) { this.show_error(); } else { this.hide_error(); } return success; } Data.prototype.show_error = function() { $('#params_error').text('Please correct the input errors above first.'); $('#params_error').show(); } Data.prototype.hide_error = function() { $('#params_error').hide(); } function format_pre_text(text) { return $('<pre/>').text(text); } var ConfigFile = function(name, text) { = name; this.text = text; } ConfigFile.prototype.toString = function() { return this.text; } ConfigFile.prototype.format = function() { return format_pre_text(this.toString()); } var Script = function(text) { this.text = text; } Script.prototype.toString = function() { return this.text; } Script.prototype.format = function() { return format_pre_text(this.toString()); } var QRCode = function(text) { this.text = text; } QRCode.prototype.format = function() { var canvas = $('<canvas/>'); var qr = new QRious({ element: canvas[0], value: this.text, size: 350 }); return $('<div class="text-center"/>').append(canvas); } function wg_quick_client_file(data) { var path = `/etc/wireguard/${iface}.conf`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# On the client, put this to # ${path} # and either # * start the wg-quick@${iface} systemd service, # * or run \`wg-quick up ${iface}\`. [Interface] PrivateKey = ${data.client_private.value} Address = ${data.client_ipv4.value.address()}, ${data.client_ipv6.value.address()} [Peer] Endpoint = ${data.server_endpoint.value} PublicKey = ${data.server_public.value} PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value} AllowedIPs = ${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_client()}, ${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_client()} PersistentKeepalive = ${persistent_keepalive} `); } function wg_quick_server_file(data) { var path = `/etc/wireguard/${iface}.conf`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# On the server, add this to # ${path} # and restart the wg-quick@${iface} systemd service. # Previous contents goes here... [Peer] PublicKey = ${data.client_public.value} PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value} AllowedIPs = ${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_server()}, ${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_server()} `); } function systemd_client_netdev_file(data) { var path = `/etc/systemd/network/${iface}.netdev`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# On the client, you need two files. Put this into # ${path} # and after you're done with both files, run # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart systemd-networkd [NetDev] Name = ${iface} Kind = wireguard [WireGuard] PrivateKey = ${data.client_private.value} [WireGuardPeer] Endpoint = ${data.server_endpoint.value} PublicKey = ${data.server_public.value} PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value} AllowedIPs = ${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_client()}, ${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_client()} PersistentKeepalive = ${persistent_keepalive} `); } function systemd_client_network_file(data) { var path = `/etc/systemd/network/${iface}.network`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# This is the second file. Put this into # ${path} # and if you're done with the first file already, run # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart systemd-networkd [Match] Name = ${iface} [Network] Address = ${data.client_ipv4.value.address()} Address = ${data.client_ipv6.value.address()} `); } function systemd_server_netdev_file(data) { var path = `/etc/systemd/network/${iface}.netdev`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# On the server, add this to # ${path} # and run # systemctl daemon-reload # systemctl restart systemd-networkd # Previous contents goes here... [WireGuardPeer] PublicKey = ${data.client_public.value} PresharedKey = ${data.preshared.value} AllowedIPs = ${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_server()}, ${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_server()} `); } function nmcli_client_file(data) { var path = `/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${iface}.nmconnection`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# On the client, put this to # ${path} # and run # chmod 0600 ${path} # nmcli c reload # nmcli c up ${iface} [connection] id=${iface} type=wireguard interface-name=${iface} [wireguard] private-key=${data.client_private.value} private-key-flags=0 [wireguard-peer.${data.server_public.value}] endpoint=${data.server_endpoint.value} preshared-key=${data.preshared.value} preshared-key-flags=0 allowed-ips=${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_client()};${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_client()}; persistent-keepalive=${persistent_keepalive} [ipv4] address1=${data.client_ipv4.value.address()} method=manual [ipv6] address1=${data.client_ipv6.value.address()} method=manual `); } function nmcli_server_file(data) { var path = `/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/${iface}.nmconnection`; return new ConfigFile(path, `# On the server, add this to # ${path} # and run # nmcli c reload # nmcli c up ${iface} # Previous contents goes here... [wireguard-peer.${data.client_public.value}] preshared-key=${data.preshared.value} preshared-key-flags=0 allowed-ips=${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_server()};${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_server()}; `); } var shell_info = `# Make sure your .bash_history or whatever is # secure before running this. # Better yet, put into a file and run (possibly, using sudo).`; function manual_client_script(data) { return new Script( `# On the client, run this to set up a connection. ${shell_info} ip link add dev ${iface} type wireguard ip addr add ${data.client_ipv4.value.address()} dev ${iface} ip addr add ${data.client_ipv6.value.address()} dev ${iface} wg set ${iface} \\ private-key <( echo ${data.client_private.value} ) wg set ${iface} \\ peer ${data.server_public.value} \\ preshared-key <( echo ${data.preshared.value} ) \\ endpoint ${data.server_endpoint.value} \\ allowed-ips ${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_client()},${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_client()} ip link set ${iface} up `); } function manual_server_script(data) { return new Script( `# On the server, run this to tweak an existing connection. ${shell_info} wg set ${iface} \\ peer ${data.client_public.value} \\ preshared-key <( echo ${data.preshared.value} ) \\ allowed-ips ${data.client_ipv4.value.allowed_ips_server()},${data.client_ipv6.value.allowed_ips_server()} `); } var Guide = function(name) { = name; } Guide.prototype.format = function(data) { var container = $('<div/>'); container.append($('<h2/>').html(; return container; } var GuidePermaURL = function() {, 'Permanent URL'); } GuidePermaURL.prototype = Object.create(Guide.prototype); GuidePermaURL.prototype.constructor = GuidePermaURL; GuidePermaURL.prototype.format = function(data) { var container =, data); container .append($('<p/>').text('Use the following URL to share this configuration. Be careful: it probably contains sensitive data, like your private keys.')) .append($('<pre/>').append($('<a/>', {href: data.get_perma_url()}).text(data.get_perma_url()))); return container; } var GuideServerClient = function(name) {, name); } GuideServerClient.prototype = Object.create(Guide.prototype); GuideServerClient.prototype.constructor = GuideServerClient; GuideServerClient.prototype.for_server = function(data) { return []; } GuideServerClient.prototype.for_client = function(data) { return []; } GuideServerClient.prototype.join_guides = function(guides) { var container = $('<div/>'); guides.forEach(function(guide) { container.append(guide.format()); }); return container; } GuideServerClient.prototype.format = function(data) { var container =, data); container .append($('<div class="row"/>') .append($('<div class="col-md-6"/>') .append(this.join_guides(this.for_server(data)))) .append($('<div class="col-md-6"/>') .append(this.join_guides(this.for_client(data))))); return container; } var GuideWgQuick = function() {, 'wg-quick'); } GuideWgQuick.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype); GuideWgQuick.prototype.constructor = GuideWgQuick; GuideWgQuick.prototype.for_client = function(data) { var config = wg_quick_client_file(data); var qr = new QRCode(config.text); return [config, qr]; } GuideWgQuick.prototype.for_server = function(data) { return [wg_quick_server_file(data)]; } var GuideSystemd = function() {, 'systemd-networkd'); } GuideSystemd.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype); GuideSystemd.prototype.constructor = GuideSystemd; GuideSystemd.prototype.for_client = function(data) { return [systemd_client_netdev_file(data), systemd_client_network_file(data)]; } GuideSystemd.prototype.for_server = function(data) { return [systemd_server_netdev_file(data)]; } var GuideNetworkManager = function() {, 'NetworkManager'); } GuideNetworkManager.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype); GuideNetworkManager.prototype.constructor = GuideNetworkManager; GuideNetworkManager.prototype.for_client = function(data) { return [nmcli_client_file(data)]; } GuideNetworkManager.prototype.for_server = function(data) { return [nmcli_server_file(data)]; } var GuideManual = function() {, '<code>ip</code> & <code>wg</code>'); } GuideManual.prototype = Object.create(GuideServerClient.prototype); GuideManual.prototype.constructor = GuideManual; GuideManual.prototype.for_client = function(data) { return [manual_client_script(data)]; } GuideManual.prototype.for_server = function(data) { return [manual_server_script(data)]; } function clear_guides() { $('#guides').empty(); } function add_guide(guide, data) { $('#guides').append(guide.format(data)); } function guides_from_data(data) { if (!data.parse()) { return; } var guides = [ new GuidePermaURL(), new GuideWgQuick(), new GuideSystemd(), new GuideNetworkManager(), new GuideManual() ]; guides.forEach(function(guide) { add_guide(guide, data); }); } function form_on_submit() { clear_guides(); var data = new Data(); guides_from_data(data); return false; } function main() { var data = new Data(); if (data.set_from_this_url()) { guides_from_data(data); } } $(function() { main(); });