BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
2015add deps.sh to install working versionsEgor Tensin2 years
2016add deps.sh to install working versionsEgor Tensin2 years
2017add deps.sh to install working versionsEgor Tensin2 years
2018add deps.sh to install working versionsEgor Tensin2 years
2019add deps.sh to install working versionsEgor Tensin2 years
gh-pagesbump dependenciesEgor Tensin2 months
masterworkflows/makefile_escaping: upgrade actionsEgor Tensin12 months
redirectswitch to tensin.nameEgor Tensin14 months
jekyll4blog-jekyll4.tar.gz  blog-jekyll4.zip  Egor Tensin20 months
old_designblog-old_design.tar.gz  blog-old_design.zip  Egor Tensin2 years
migrationblog-migration.tar.gz  blog-migration.zip  Egor Tensin3 years
no_more_travisblog-no_more_travis.tar.gz  blog-no_more_travis.zip  Egor Tensin4 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2020-11-29bye-bye, Travisno_more_travisEgor Tensin
2020-05-30makefile_escaping: updateEgor Tensin
2020-05-24makefile_escaping: fix inclusion in other variablesEgor Tensin
2020-05-20add "Escaping character in Makefile"Egor Tensin
2020-05-19bind-mounts: link to commit instead of whole repoEgor Tensin
2020-05-08README.md: updateEgor Tensin
2020-05-08bump dependenciesEgor Tensin
2020-05-07remove build.sh, serve.bat, serve.shEgor Tensin
2020-05-07lint _config*.ymlEgor Tensin
2020-05-07use "remote" Jekyll themeEgor Tensin