path: root/docs/api.md
blob: ebf4520c8bccc33a992766967e7b4d6bdf25ed40 (plain) (tree)

This project supports GitHub, Bitbucket & GitLab.  All of them are,
unfortunately, peculiar in their own way.


All of the forges support access tokens, of course (although they're called
"app passwords" on Bitbucket).  They can be used to do `git clone https://`
with authentication info in the URL.  For GitHub, it's enough to just specify
the token:

    git clone https://TOKEN@github.com/USER/REPO.git

For Bitbucket & GitLab, however, you need to specify both the user and the
token in the URL:

    git clone https://USER:TOKEN@bitbucket.org/USER/REPO.git


* GitHub has users and organizations; both of which can have repositories.
    * A user can be a collaborator on a different user's repository, while an
organization (I think) can only fully own its repositories.
* Bitbucket has user accounts, workspaces & projects.  User accounts own (or
are invited to) workspaces, which include projects.
    * Not so long ago, when workspaces were introduced, all users got a default
workspace matching their username (with an untitled project).
    * Each repository belongs to a project, which belongs to a workspace.
There can be multiple users collaborating on a workspace, which includes one or
more projects, which include repositories.  What an amazing concept!  I
couldn't be happier to deal with this.
* GitLab sorta has users and organizations (called "groups") here.  I'm pretty
sure they're called "namespaces" really, and are the same as Bitbucket's
"workspaces", but whatever.


* If you authenticate with GitHub and call `/users/USER/repos` for the
authenticated user, you will [only get public repositories].  Why?  Who knows.
    * You need to call `/user/repos` to include private repositories.
    * You _might_ want to use the `affiliation` parameter to only get owned
repositories.  Otherwise, you'll get all repositories in all orgs you're a
member of, etc.
* For Bitbucket, `/repositories/WORKSPACE` does [include private repositories]
(if you're authenticated, of course).
    * When somebody else invites you to collaborate on a repository, you get
access to a different workspace; this repository is not added to your workspace
or anything.
* GitLab will, helpfully, only return projects [owned by the user] when
`/users/USER/projects` is called.

[only get public repositories]: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/repos/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-repositories-for-a-user
[call /user/repos]: https://docs.github.com/en/rest/repos/repos?apiVersion=2022-11-28#list-repositories-for-the-authenticated-user
[include private repositories]: https://developer.atlassian.com/cloud/bitbucket/rest/api-group-repositories/#api-repositories-workspace-get
[owned by the user]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/projects.html#list-user-projects