path: root/20171112_espanol84_vs_egor_tensin.pgn
blob: fa2d7ca994d15459bbd41c02ca1a24d5575ce22a (plain) (tree)

[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
[Site "https://lichess.org/KnPq0dRd"]
[Date "2017.11.12"]
[Round "-"]
[White "espanol84"]
[Black "egor_tensin"]
[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1735"]
[BlackElo "1746"]
[TimeControl "300+3"]
[Termination "Normal"]
[Annotator "egor_tensin"]

{Haven't added any games in a while, so here's one. It's pretty cool, featuring
a trapped bishop & a Queen vs. three connected passed pawns.}
1.e4 e5
2.Nf3 Nf6
3.Nxe5 d6
4.Nf3 Nxe4
5.Nc3 Nxc3
6.dxc3 Be7
7.Be3 O-O
8.Qd2 Be6
9.a3 f6
10.Nd4 Bf7
11.O-O-O Re8
12.Nf5 Bf8
13.Bb5 Nd7
14.Ba4 Re5
15.Nd4 c6
16.Bb3 d5
17.Nf3 Re8
18.h4 Ne5
19.Nxe5 Rxe5
20.Bd4 Re4
21.h5 h6
22.f3 Re8
23.g4 Qc7
24.Rde1 Bd6
25.Kb1 Bf4
26.Be3 Bxe3
27.Rxe3 Rxe3
28.Qxe3 Re8
29.Qd2 (29.Qxa7) Qe5
30.Kc1 Qe3
31.Qxe3 Rxe3
32.Rf1 Re2
33.Kd1 Rg2
34.Re1 Kf8
35.Re2 Rg1+
36.Re1 Rg3
37.Rf1 Rg2
38.Ba2 c5
39.b3 c4
40.Kc1 Re2
41.Kb1 b5
42.f4 Re4? (42...Rg2)
43.b4 Be6
44.f5 Bd7 {This is pretty funny. The material is equal, but Black's obviously
completely winning.}
45.Rg1 Kf7
46.Kb2 a6
47.Bb1 Bc6
48.Ba2 Re2
49.Kc1 Rf2 {I couldn't see a plan, hence the silly moving around.}
  (49...Ke7 50.Kd1 Rf2 51.Bb1 Rf3 52.Kd2 Kd6 53.Ba2 Rf2+ 54.Kc1 Re2 55.Kd1 Re4
56.Kc1 Ke5 {and the pawns fall. A much better plan!})
50.Kb1 Rf3
51.Kb2 Bb7
52.Bb1 Rf4
53.Rg3 d4 {I couldn't see how else to make progress in my usual time trouble.}
54.cxd4 Rxd4
55.Kc3 Rd1
56.Ba2 Rf1
57.Kb2 Rf2
58.Kc3 Ba8
59.Bb1 Rf1
60.Ba2 Be4
61.Kb2 Rf2
62.Bb1 Bh1
63.Rg1 Bf3
64.Kc3 Rg2
65.Rxg2 Bxg2
66.Kd4 Bf3
67.c3 Bxg4
68.Be4 Bxh5
69.Bb7 Bd1
70.Bxa6 Ba4
71.Kc5 h5
72.Bxb5 Bxb5
73.Kxb5 h4
74.a4 h3
75.a5 h2
76.a6 h1=Q
77.Kxc4 Qe4+
78.Kb5 Qxf5+
79.Kb6 Qe6+
80.Ka5 Qd7
81.b5 Ke6
82.Kb6 Qd6+
83.Kb7 Qd7+ {This was getting pretty scary to be honest.}
84.Kb6 Qc8
85.a7 Qa8
86.c4 Kd7
87.c5 Kc8 {Finally! I didn't believe my opponent could save this once both my
King and my Queen are defending.}
88.c6 f5
89.Ka6 f4
90.b6 Qxc6
91.Ka5 Qb7