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authorEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2018-01-24 03:28:24 +0300
committerEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2018-01-24 03:28:24 +0300
commit5f07e1ebced95c4d7f54f69c8ff87fb299b244d6 (patch)
parentadd a game (diff)
add a game
2 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/20180123_emecetchat_vs_egor_tensin.pgn b/20180123_emecetchat_vs_egor_tensin.pgn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90d50b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20180123_emecetchat_vs_egor_tensin.pgn
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
+[Site "https://lichess.org/EBxW4VjA"]
+[Date "2018.01.23"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "emecetchat"]
+[Black "egor_tensin"]
+[Result "1/2-1/2"]
+[WhiteElo "1730"]
+[BlackElo "1693"]
+[TimeControl "300+3"]
+[Termination "Normal"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+{A very emotional game with a super-exciting ending. Lots of incredibly stupid
+blunders, of course.}
+1.d3 Nf6
+2.Nd2 g6
+3.Ngf3 Bg7
+4.g3 b6
+5.Bg2 Bb7
+6.O-O O-O
+7.c4 d6
+8.Rb1 a5
+9.a3 Nbd7
+10.b4 axb4
+11.axb4 e5
+12.Bb2 Qc8
+13.Ra1 h6
+14.Qb3 Re8
+15.e4 g5
+16.Rxa8 Qxa8
+17.Ra1 Qc8
+18.Ra7 Kh7
+19.Ne1 g4
+20.d4 exd4
+21.Bxd4 Nxe4
+22.Nxe4 Bxe4
+23.Bxe4+ Rxe4
+24.Qd3 f5
+25.Nc2 Bxd4
+26.Nxd4 Ne5
+27.Qc3 Rxd4 {Took me a while to spot this. Sigh.}
+28.f4 Nf3+
+29.Kf2 Qb8
+30.Qa1 Rd2+
+31.Ke3 {So far so good (kind of).} Rxh2??
+ (31...Qe8+)
+32.Ra8 Qb7
+ (32...Nd4 {My excuse is that I would never have seen this.} 33.Qa4 (33.Kxd4
+Qb7) Nc2+ 34.Kd3 b5 {And the best move is} 35.Rxb8)
+33.Qh8+ {I was sure it's mate.} Kg6
+34.Qe8+ Kf6
+35.Qf8+ Ke6
+36.Re8+ Kd7
+37.Qe7+?? (37.Re7+) Kc6
+38.b5+ Kc5
+39.Kd3 Qe4+
+40.Qxe4 fxe4+
+41.Rxe4 Rd2+
+42.Kc3 c6 {I was afraid of getting mated, or something.}
+43.bxc6 Kxc6
+44.f5 Kd7
+45.f6 Ng5?? {I am such an idiot. I had seconds as usual though.}
+46.Re7+ Kc6
+47.Kxd2 d5
+48.cxd5+ Kd6
+49.Rb7 Ne4+
+50.Ke3 Nxf6
+51.Rxb6+ Ke5
+52.Re6+?? (52.Rxf6) Kf5
+53.Rd6 Ke5
+54.Re6+ Kf5
+55.Kd4 h5
+56.Kc5 h4 {Counterplay!}
+57.gxh4 g3
+58.Re3 Kf4
+59.Ra3 g2
+60.Ra1 Kg4
+61.Rg1 Kh3
+62.h5 Nxh5
+63.d6 Nf6
+64.Kc6 Kh2
+65.Rxg2+ Kxg2
+66.Kc5 Kf3
+67.Kd4 Kf4
+68.Kc5 Ke5
+69.Kc6 Ke6
+70.Kc7 {Crazy stuff!} Nd7
diff --git a/all.pgn b/all.pgn
index 029246c..23c213b 100644
--- a/all.pgn
+++ b/all.pgn
@@ -2816,3 +2816,93 @@ itself!}
51.Kg4 Rg1+
52.Kh3 Qh6#
+[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
+[Site "https://lichess.org/EBxW4VjA"]
+[Date "2018.01.23"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "emecetchat"]
+[Black "egor_tensin"]
+[Result "1/2-1/2"]
+[WhiteElo "1730"]
+[BlackElo "1693"]
+[TimeControl "300+3"]
+[Termination "Normal"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+{A very emotional game with a super-exciting ending. Lots of incredibly stupid
+blunders, of course.}
+1.d3 Nf6
+2.Nd2 g6
+3.Ngf3 Bg7
+4.g3 b6
+5.Bg2 Bb7
+6.O-O O-O
+7.c4 d6
+8.Rb1 a5
+9.a3 Nbd7
+10.b4 axb4
+11.axb4 e5
+12.Bb2 Qc8
+13.Ra1 h6
+14.Qb3 Re8
+15.e4 g5
+16.Rxa8 Qxa8
+17.Ra1 Qc8
+18.Ra7 Kh7
+19.Ne1 g4
+20.d4 exd4
+21.Bxd4 Nxe4
+22.Nxe4 Bxe4
+23.Bxe4+ Rxe4
+24.Qd3 f5
+25.Nc2 Bxd4
+26.Nxd4 Ne5
+27.Qc3 Rxd4 {Took me a while to spot this. Sigh.}
+28.f4 Nf3+
+29.Kf2 Qb8
+30.Qa1 Rd2+
+31.Ke3 {So far so good (kind of).} Rxh2??
+ (31...Qe8+)
+32.Ra8 Qb7
+ (32...Nd4 {My excuse is that I would never have seen this.} 33.Qa4 (33.Kxd4
+Qb7) Nc2+ 34.Kd3 b5 {And the best move is} 35.Rxb8)
+33.Qh8+ {I was sure it's mate.} Kg6
+34.Qe8+ Kf6
+35.Qf8+ Ke6
+36.Re8+ Kd7
+37.Qe7+?? (37.Re7+) Kc6
+38.b5+ Kc5
+39.Kd3 Qe4+
+40.Qxe4 fxe4+
+41.Rxe4 Rd2+
+42.Kc3 c6 {I was afraid of getting mated, or something.}
+43.bxc6 Kxc6
+44.f5 Kd7
+45.f6 Ng5?? {I am such an idiot. I had seconds as usual though.}
+46.Re7+ Kc6
+47.Kxd2 d5
+48.cxd5+ Kd6
+49.Rb7 Ne4+
+50.Ke3 Nxf6
+51.Rxb6+ Ke5
+52.Re6+?? (52.Rxf6) Kf5
+53.Rd6 Ke5
+54.Re6+ Kf5
+55.Kd4 h5
+56.Kc5 h4 {Counterplay!}
+57.gxh4 g3
+58.Re3 Kf4
+59.Ra3 g2
+60.Ra1 Kg4
+61.Rg1 Kh3
+62.h5 Nxh5
+63.d6 Nf6
+64.Kc6 Kh2
+65.Rxg2+ Kxg2
+66.Kc5 Kf3
+67.Kd4 Kf4
+68.Kc5 Ke5
+69.Kc6 Ke6
+70.Kc7 {Crazy stuff!} Nd7