diff options
authorEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2017-10-03 02:07:15 +0300
committerEgor Tensin <Egor.Tensin@gmail.com>2017-10-03 02:07:15 +0300
commitace9d76cb9263575c24292126c39863973897d57 (patch)
parentadd a game (diff)
add a couple of games
3 files changed, 198 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/20170929_Enrigsa_vs_egor_tensin.pgn b/20170929_Enrigsa_vs_egor_tensin.pgn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae44fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20170929_Enrigsa_vs_egor_tensin.pgn
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
+[Site "https://lichess.org/lUzNI2k9"]
+[Date "2017.09.29"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "Enrigsa"]
+[Black "egor_tensin"]
+[Result "1-0"]
+[WhiteElo "1731"]
+[BlackElo "1742"]
+[TimeControl "300+3"]
+[Termination "Normal"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+{This was an interesting pawn ending I was bad enough to lose.}
+1.e4 c6
+2.d4 d5
+3.e5 Bf5
+4.g4 Bg6
+5.Nf3 e6
+6.Bg2 c5
+7.c3 cxd4
+8.cxd4 Bb4+
+9.Bd2 Bxd2+
+10.Qxd2 Nc6
+11.O-O Nge7
+12.Nc3 O-O
+13.Nh4 a6
+14.Nxg6 hxg6
+15.Na4 Qc8??
+16.Nb6 Qc7
+17.Nxa8 Rxa8
+18.Rac1 Qb6
+19.a3? Nxd4
+20.Qb4?? Qxb4
+21.axb4 Ne2+
+22.Kh1 Nxc1
+23.Rxc1 Rc8
+24.Rxc8+ Nxc8
+25.Bf1 Nb6
+26.b5 a5
+27.f4 Kf8
+28.Kg2 Ke7
+29.Kf3 f6
+30.exf6+ gxf6
+31.Ke3 Kd6
+32.Kd4 e5+
+33.fxe5+ fxe5+
+34.Ke3 Nc4+
+35.Bxc4 dxc4 {I was pretty sure this is lost.}
+36.h4 a4
+37.Kd2 e4
+38.h5 gxh5
+39.gxh5 Ke5
+40.h6 Kf6 {All good so far.}
+41.Ke3 a3 {Dang it!}
+ (41...c3! 42.bxc3 a3)
+42.bxa3 c3
+43.a4 Kg6
+44.a5 Kxh6
+45.a6 {Argh, the frustration!}
diff --git a/20171002_egor_tensin_vs_Racioplay.pgn b/20171002_egor_tensin_vs_Racioplay.pgn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e993707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/20171002_egor_tensin_vs_Racioplay.pgn
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
+[Site "https://lichess.org/9Pbbrsml"]
+[Date "2017.10.02"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "egor_tensin"]
+[Black "Racioplay"]
+[Result "1-0"]
+[WhiteElo "1720"]
+[BlackElo "1719"]
+[TimeControl "300+3"]
+[Termination "Normal"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+{I just like this game for some reason. Those bishops!}
+1.d4 d6
+2.c4 Nf6
+3.Nc3 g6
+4.e4 e5
+5.Nf3 exd4
+6.Nxd4 Nc6
+7.Be3 Bg7
+8.Be2 O-O
+9.O-O Nxd4
+10.Bxd4 a6
+11.Nd5 Nxd5
+12.cxd5 f6
+13.Rc1 c5
+14.dxc6 bxc6
+15.Rxc6 Bb7
+16.Bb6 Qe8
+17.Rxd6 Bxe4
+18.Bc4+ Kh8
+19.Re1 f5
+20.f3 Qc8
+21.Be6 Qc4
diff --git a/all.pgn b/all.pgn
index dceeaab..5d223f5 100644
--- a/all.pgn
+++ b/all.pgn
@@ -2525,3 +2525,103 @@ people swindled me like that, so that felt especially good.}
93.Kb6 Ke7
+[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
+[Site "https://lichess.org/lUzNI2k9"]
+[Date "2017.09.29"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "Enrigsa"]
+[Black "egor_tensin"]
+[Result "1-0"]
+[WhiteElo "1731"]
+[BlackElo "1742"]
+[TimeControl "300+3"]
+[Termination "Normal"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+{This was an interesting pawn ending I was bad enough to lose.}
+1.e4 c6
+2.d4 d5
+3.e5 Bf5
+4.g4 Bg6
+5.Nf3 e6
+6.Bg2 c5
+7.c3 cxd4
+8.cxd4 Bb4+
+9.Bd2 Bxd2+
+10.Qxd2 Nc6
+11.O-O Nge7
+12.Nc3 O-O
+13.Nh4 a6
+14.Nxg6 hxg6
+15.Na4 Qc8??
+16.Nb6 Qc7
+17.Nxa8 Rxa8
+18.Rac1 Qb6
+19.a3? Nxd4
+20.Qb4?? Qxb4
+21.axb4 Ne2+
+22.Kh1 Nxc1
+23.Rxc1 Rc8
+24.Rxc8+ Nxc8
+25.Bf1 Nb6
+26.b5 a5
+27.f4 Kf8
+28.Kg2 Ke7
+29.Kf3 f6
+30.exf6+ gxf6
+31.Ke3 Kd6
+32.Kd4 e5+
+33.fxe5+ fxe5+
+34.Ke3 Nc4+
+35.Bxc4 dxc4 {I was pretty sure this is lost.}
+36.h4 a4
+37.Kd2 e4
+38.h5 gxh5
+39.gxh5 Ke5
+40.h6 Kf6 {All good so far.}
+41.Ke3 a3 {Dang it!}
+ (41...c3! 42.bxc3 a3)
+42.bxa3 c3
+43.a4 Kg6
+44.a5 Kxh6
+45.a6 {Argh, the frustration!}
+[Event "Rated Blitz game"]
+[Site "https://lichess.org/9Pbbrsml"]
+[Date "2017.10.02"]
+[Round "-"]
+[White "egor_tensin"]
+[Black "Racioplay"]
+[Result "1-0"]
+[WhiteElo "1720"]
+[BlackElo "1719"]
+[TimeControl "300+3"]
+[Termination "Normal"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
+{I just like this game for some reason. Those bishops!}
+1.d4 d6
+2.c4 Nf6
+3.Nc3 g6
+4.e4 e5
+5.Nf3 exd4
+6.Nxd4 Nc6
+7.Be3 Bg7
+8.Be2 O-O
+9.O-O Nxd4
+10.Bxd4 a6
+11.Nd5 Nxd5
+12.cxd5 f6
+13.Rc1 c5
+14.dxc6 bxc6
+15.Rxc6 Bb7
+16.Bb6 Qe8
+17.Rxd6 Bxe4
+18.Bc4+ Kh8
+19.Re1 f5
+20.f3 Qc8
+21.Be6 Qc4