diff options
11 files changed, 99 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/GNEV1984_vs_egor_tensin_2015_10_11.pgn b/GNEV1984_vs_egor_tensin_2015_10_11.pgn
index 60a41b9..c45de08 100644
--- a/GNEV1984_vs_egor_tensin_2015_10_11.pgn
+++ b/GNEV1984_vs_egor_tensin_2015_10_11.pgn
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2015.10.11"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "GNEV1984"]
[Black "egor_tensin"]
[Result "0-1"]
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
[BlackElo "1656"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by checkmate"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
{Pretty maneuvers by the Queen and a nice queenside attack.}
1.e4 e5
diff --git a/Sumska_Gajba_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-03.pgn b/Sumska_Gajba_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-03.pgn
index ca36484..9103af6 100644
--- a/Sumska_Gajba_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-03.pgn
+++ b/Sumska_Gajba_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-03.pgn
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.07.03"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "Sumska_Gajba"]
[Black "egor_tensin"]
+[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1721"]
[BlackElo "1683"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by checkmate"]
-[Result "0-1"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "5rnk/8/1p1R3p/pP1Pp2Q/P1P2b2/5P1P/7q/7K w - - 2 43"]
-{A very tough defense amounting in the eventual victory. Curiously, engines seem to think it wasn't all that bad for Black.}
+{A very tough defense amounting in the eventual victory. Curiously, engines
+seem to think it wasn't all that bad for Black.}
1.d4 {[%clk 0:15:04]} Nf6 {[%clk 0:15:04]}
2.c4 {[%clk 0:14:59]} b6 {[%clk 0:15:09]}
3.Nf3 {[%clk 0:14:19]} Bb7 {[%clk 0:15:16]}
@@ -35,21 +38,26 @@
22.Nxf5 {[%clk 0:11:45]} Bf8 {[%clk 0:11:32]}
23.Ra3 {[%clk 0:11:47]} Nf6 {[%clk 0:10:46]}
24.Rg3 {[%clk 0:11:18]} Kh7 {[%clk 0:10:40]}
-25.Qd2 {[%clk 0:09:47]} Ng8 {[%clk 0:09:25]} {I seriously thought I had no hope of saving such a passive position.}
+25.Qd2 {[%clk 0:09:47]} Ng8 {[%clk 0:09:25]} {I seriously thought I had no hope
+of saving such a passive position.}
26.Ree3 {[%clk 0:04:48]} g6 {[%clk 0:09:24]}
27.Nh4 {[%clk 0:04:24]} Qd8 {[%clk 0:09:09]}
-28.Ref3 {[%clk 0:02:20]} Qxh4 {[%clk 0:08:31]} {We both went all-in. Who will prevail?}
+28.Ref3 {[%clk 0:02:20]} Qxh4 {[%clk 0:08:31]} {We both went all-in. Who will
29.Rxf7+ {[%clk 0:02:25]} Kh8 {[%clk 0:08:35]}
-30.Rxc7 {[%clk 0:02:07]} {No idea why he didn't took on g6 instead.} Re7 {[%clk 0:07:23]}
+30.Rxc7 {[%clk 0:02:07]} {No idea why he didn't took on g6 instead.}
+30...Re7 {[%clk 0:07:23]}
31.Rxe7 {[%clk 0:02:02]} Bxe7 {[%clk 0:07:30]}
32.Rxg6 {[%clk 0:02:10]} Bg5 {[%clk 0:06:53]}
-33.Qd1 {[%clk 0:01:53]} Qxe4 {[%clk 0:05:28]} {And now it's completely over, thanks to the dual threat of Qxg6 and Qb1.}
+33.Qd1 {[%clk 0:01:53]} Qxe4 {[%clk 0:05:28]} {And now it's completely over,
+thanks to the dual threat of Qxg6 and Qb1.}
34.Rxd6 {[%clk 0:01:39]} Qb1 {[%clk 0:03:20]}
35.Qh5 {[%clk 0:00:53]} Qxc1+ {[%clk 0:03:18]}
36.Kh2 {[%clk 0:00:59]} Qf4+ {[%clk 0:02:39]}
37.Kg1 {[%clk 0:01:01]} {Nice!} Rf8 {[%clk 0:02:14]}
38.f3 {[%clk 0:01:00]} Qe3+ {[%clk 0:01:22]}
-39.Kh1 {[%clk 0:01:06]} {My oppenent decides to end his misery.} Qe1+ {[%clk 0:01:19]}
+39.Kh1 {[%clk 0:01:06]} {My oppenent decides to end his misery.}
+39...Qe1+ {[%clk 0:01:19]}
40.Kh2 {[%clk 0:01:13]} Bf4+ {[%clk 0:01:07]}
41.g3 {[%clk 0:01:20]} Qxg3+ {[%clk 0:01:15]}
42.Kh1 {[%clk 0:01:27]} Qh2# {[%clk 0:01:24]}
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster_2016-03-26.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster_2016-03-26.pgn
index 841891d..6c8d7c4 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster_2016-03-26.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_GranMuster_2016-03-26.pgn
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.03.26"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "GranMuster"]
+[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1628"]
[BlackElo "1581"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by checkmate"]
-[Result "1-0"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "Q7/8/k6p/2K4P/8/8/8/3B4 b - - 0 69"]
{A bishop ending I enjoyed.}
@@ -35,29 +37,39 @@
22.Qf2 {[%clk 0:10:45]} Be6 {[%clk 0:13:51]}
23.h4 {[%clk 0:08:02]} Qe7 {[%clk 0:13:48]}
24.Qe2 {[%clk 0:06:34]} Rf8 {[%clk 0:13:07]}
-25.Rf3 {[%clk 0:05:24]} {I am oh-so-much worse. Can't blame me for trying to straighten up my pawns, right?} Bxe5 {[%clk 0:13:05]}
-26.Qxe5 {[%clk 0:05:14]} Rxf3 {[%clk 0:13:07]} {And my opponent helps me out. Not worse anymore!}
+25.Rf3 {[%clk 0:05:24]} {I am oh-so-much worse. Can't blame me for trying to
+straighten up my pawns, right?}
+25...Bxe5 {[%clk 0:13:05]}
+26.Qxe5 {[%clk 0:05:14]} Rxf3 {[%clk 0:13:07]} {And my opponent helps me out.
+Not worse anymore!}
27.gxf3 {[%clk 0:05:19]} Qf7 {[%clk 0:13:15]}
28.Kg2 {[%clk 0:05:08]} a6 {[%clk 0:13:14]}
29.Qg5 {[%clk 0:04:52]} Kg7 {[%clk 0:13:15]}
-30.h5 {[%clk 0:03:57]} h6 {[%clk 0:11:27]} {Blundering into a completely lost bishop ending. Of course, I barely managed to win it.}
+30.h5 {[%clk 0:03:57]} h6 {[%clk 0:11:27]} {Blundering into a completely lost
+bishop ending. Of course, I barely managed to win it.}
31.Qxg6+ {[%clk 0:03:36]} Qxg6 {[%clk 0:11:32]}
32.Bxg6 {[%clk 0:03:44]} Kf6 {[%clk 0:11:34]}
33.b3 {[%clk 0:02:11]} b6 {[%clk 0:10:53]}
-34.Kf2 {[%clk 0:02:18]} {I thought his kingside pawn majority was dangerous, so sent my King to reenforce.} c5 {[%clk 0:11:01]}
+34.Kf2 {[%clk 0:02:18]} {I thought his kingside pawn majority was dangerous, so
+sent my King to reenforce.}
+34...c5 {[%clk 0:11:01]}
35.Ke3 {[%clk 0:01:54]} c4 {[%clk 0:11:09]}
-36.Kd2 {[%clk 0:01:22]} {Consistently trying to play out the wrong plan.} b5 {[%clk 0:11:11]}
+36.Kd2 {[%clk 0:01:22]} {Consistently trying to play out the wrong plan.}
+36...b5 {[%clk 0:11:11]}
37.bxc4 {[%clk 0:01:22]} dxc4 {[%clk 0:11:16]}
38.Kc3 {[%clk 0:01:22]} Kg5 {[%clk 0:11:09]}
-39.Kb4 {[%clk 0:01:07]} {OK, I'm happy, his kingside pawns aren't dangerous anymore.} Bf5 {[%clk 0:11:05]}
+39.Kb4 {[%clk 0:01:07]} {OK, I'm happy, his kingside pawns aren't dangerous
+39...Bf5 {[%clk 0:11:05]}
40.Be8 {[%clk 0:00:41]} {Not sure what to do next though.}
- (40.f4+ {Wins often in this endgame.} 40...Kf6 (40... Kg4 41.Bxf5 {is the same.}) 41.Bxf5 Kxf5 42.d5 Kf6 43.g4 {and so forth.})
+ (40.f4+ {Wins often in this endgame.} Kf6 (40...Kg4 41.Bxf5 {is the same.})
+41.Bxf5 Kxf5 42.d5 Kf6 43.g4 {and so forth.})
40...Be6 {[%clk 0:11:01]}
41.a3 {[%clk 0:00:37]} Bd5 {[%clk 0:11:08]}
42.f4+ {[%clk 0:00:18]} Kg4 {[%clk 0:11:14]}
43.Bg6 {[%clk 0:00:23]} Be6 {[%clk 0:10:37]}
44.Kc5 {[%clk 0:00:28]}
- (44.Be4 {and now if} 44...Kxg3 45.f5 {wins.})
+ (44.Be4 {and now if} Kxg3 45.f5 {wins.})
44...Bf5 {[%clk 0:10:29]}
45.Kb4 {[%clk 0:00:17]} {Picturesque, but wrong.}
(45.Bxf5+ Kxf5 46.Kb4 a5+ 47.Kc3 {is same old, same old.})
@@ -65,11 +77,16 @@
46.Kc3 {[%clk 0:00:22]} Be6 {[%clk 0:09:37]}
47.Be8 {[%clk 0:00:14]} {Going for those pawns! Sigh.} Kxg3 {[%clk 0:09:43]}
48.Bxb5 {[%clk 0:00:17]} {Giving the pawn on f4 up for nothing.}
- (48.f5 {was much better. And now if} 48...Bxf5 49.Bxb5 Kf4 50.Kxc4 {White's completely winning after something like} 50...Kg5 51.d5 Kf6 52.d6 Ke6 53.Kc5 Be4 54.Be2 Kd7 55.Bg4+ Kd8 56.a4 Ke8 57.Kb6 Kd8 58.Kxa5)
+ (48.f5 {was much better. And now if} Bxf5 49.Bxb5 Kf4 50.Kxc4 {White's
+completely winning after something like} Kg5 51.d5 Kf6 52.d6 Ke6 53.Kc5 Be4
+54.Be2 Kd7 55.Bg4+ Kd8 56.a4 Ke8 57.Kb6 Kd8 58.Kxa5)
48...Kxf4 {[%clk 0:09:49]}
-49.Bxc4 {[%clk 0:00:24]} Bd7 {[%clk 0:09:38]} {And it's closer to a draw than ever. Might be a dead draw, actually.}
-50.Bf7 {[%clk 0:00:13]} a4 {[%clk 0:09:42]} {The fatal mistake. Now it's over. The tragedy of a single tempo!}
- (50...Bb5 {was so much more solid. Not sure how to break through, if that's at all possible.})
+49.Bxc4 {[%clk 0:00:24]} Bd7 {[%clk 0:09:38]} {And it's closer to a draw than
+ever. Might be a dead draw, actually.}
+50.Bf7 {[%clk 0:00:13]} a4 {[%clk 0:09:42]} {The fatal mistake. Now it's over.
+The tragedy of a single move!}
+ (50...Bb5 {was so much more solid. Not sure how to break through, if that's
+at all possible.})
51.Kc4 {[%clk 0:00:17]} Ke4 {[%clk 0:09:42]}
52.Kc5 {[%clk 0:00:21]} Kf5 {[%clk 0:09:46]}
53.d5 {[%clk 0:00:25]} Ke5 {[%clk 0:09:48]}
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_capablanca1dominican_2015_08_25.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_capablanca1dominican_2015_08_25.pgn
index 897b32a..d129590 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_capablanca1dominican_2015_08_25.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_capablanca1dominican_2015_08_25.pgn
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2015.08.25"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "capablanca1dominican"]
[Result "1-0"]
@@ -8,6 +9,7 @@
[BlackElo "1620"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by resignation"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
{One of the prettiest games I've played!}
1.b3 e5
@@ -21,13 +23,17 @@
9.O-O Bxe3
10.fxe3 Nxe3
11.Qe2 Nxf1
-12.Rxf1 f6 {Here I was for some reason absolutely convinced that I was down a piece. So in that somewhat depressed state of mind I went for a desperate attack.}
+12.Rxf1 f6 {Here I was for some reason absolutely convinced that I was down a
+piece. So in that somewhat depressed state of mind I went for a desperate
13.Nh4 Kh8
14.Qh5 Be6
15.Ne4 {Boom! The engine's first line. Want to bring my bishop to e4.} dxe4
16.Bxe4 f5
- ({I actually considered taking with the rook (which is a better move) very seriously.} 17.Rxf5 {But I was still convinced that I was down a lot of material, so scared myself away from it.})
+ ({I actually considered taking with the rook (which is a better move) very
+seriously.} 17.Rxf5 {But I was still convinced that I was down a lot of
+material, so scared myself away from it.})
18.Rxf5 Kg8 {gifting me the crucial tempi.}
({I'm not sure what I would've done had he gone} 18...Qd6 {instead.})
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_cybelius_2016-06-04.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_cybelius_2016-06-04.pgn
index 452563b..6104557 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_cybelius_2016-06-04.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_cybelius_2016-06-04.pgn
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.06.04"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "cybelius"]
+[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1634"]
[BlackElo "1504"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by resignation"]
-[Result "1-0"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "5R2/4k3/2b3P1/1p1pP3/p2P4/P7/6KP/8 w - - 1 40"]
-{A French defense with a nice kingside attack. Not the best moves, but the advantage was never let go.}
+{A French defense with a nice kingside attack. Not the best moves, but the
+advantage was never let go.}
1.e4 {[%clk 0:15:08]} e6 {[%clk 0:14:53]}
2.d4 {[%clk 0:15:15]} d5 {[%clk 0:15:01]}
3.e5 {[%clk 0:15:24]} c5 {[%clk 0:15:00]}
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_dragosniculescu_2014_12_18.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_dragosniculescu_2014_12_18.pgn
index 0303d33..7a85a8d 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_dragosniculescu_2014_12_18.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_dragosniculescu_2014_12_18.pgn
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2014.12.18"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "dragosniculescu"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
@@ -8,8 +9,10 @@
[BlackElo "1478"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "Game drawn by repetition"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
-{A silly game. The guy was talking trash way more than he needed. I blundered a piece, but out of frustration played on just for the sake of it.}
+{A silly game. The guy was talking trash way more than he needed. I blundered a
+piece, but out of frustration played on just for the sake of it.}
1.Nf3 Nf6
2.c4 c5
3.b3 Nc6
@@ -53,13 +56,16 @@
41.h4 h5
42.Kg2 Kg7
43.Bd7 Ra2+
-44.Kh3 {I would've resigned against anybody else a long time ago, of course.} Kg6
+44.Kh3 {I would've resigned against anybody else a long time ago, of course.}
45.Be8 Be1
46.Bb5 Ra3
47.Bc6 Rc3
48.Bd5 Rd3 {Oh, that felt so good!}
49.Be4+ {You should've seen the chat.} Kf6
-50.Bxd3 {I was so happy that I couldn't even focus on the game, thus giving him an easy draw. Or was it an easy draw anyway?} Kg7
+50.Bxd3 {I was so happy that I couldn't even focus on the game, thus giving him
+an easy draw. Or was it an easy draw anyway?}
51.g4 hxg4+
52.fxg4 f6
53.g5 fxg5
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_hamadak1975_2016-02-24.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_hamadak1975_2016-02-24.pgn
index 5f939c2..c5f2129 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_hamadak1975_2016-02-24.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_hamadak1975_2016-02-24.pgn
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.02.24"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "hamadak1975"]
[Result "1-0"]
@@ -8,9 +9,11 @@
[BlackElo "1580"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by resignation"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "3r2k1/pQ1R1ppp/7q/4p3/2P5/6P1/PP3PBP/4R1K1 b - - 0 23"]
-{A silly game. My opponent blundered a piece, but the finish was nice and very accurate.}
+{A silly game. My opponent blundered a piece, but the finish was nice and very
1.c4 {[%clk 0:15:09]} c5 {[%clk 0:15:07]}
2.Nc3 {[%clk 0:15:14]} Nc6 {[%clk 0:15:11]}
3.g3 {[%clk 0:15:18]} e6 {[%clk 0:15:14]}
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_jumi99_2016-04-10.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_jumi99_2016-04-10.pgn
index 928ad8c..41a4fe5 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_jumi99_2016-04-10.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_jumi99_2016-04-10.pgn
@@ -1,16 +1,18 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.04.10"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "jumi99"]
+[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1636"]
[BlackElo "1618"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by resignation"]
-[Result "1-0"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "r4rk1/p2q1pb1/bpn1pP2/3pP1Qp/3P4/5N2/PP3PB1/RN2R1K1 b - - 0 21"]
-{A nice King-Side Attack.}
+{A quick King-Side Attack.}
1.Nf3 {[%clk 0:15:09]} Nf6 {[%clk 0:15:05]}
2.g3 {[%clk 0:15:18]} g6 {[%clk 0:15:11]}
3.Bg2 {[%clk 0:15:27]} Bg7 {[%clk 0:15:20]}
@@ -29,7 +31,8 @@
16.h5 {[%clk 0:15:27]} Nf5 {[%clk 0:15:48]}
17.Bg5 {[%clk 0:15:04]} Qd7 {[%clk 0:15:44]}
18.g4 {[%clk 0:13:38]} h6 {[%clk 0:15:50]}
-19.gxf5 {[%clk 0:13:32]} {Cool and unstoppable. Black's king's side is now completely ruined.} hxg5 {[%clk 0:15:52]}
+19.gxf5 {[%clk 0:13:32]} {Nice. Black's king's side is now completely ruined.}
+19...hxg5 {[%clk 0:15:52]}
20.Qxg5 {[%clk 0:13:31]} gxh5 {[%clk 0:15:53]} {The wrong one.}
21.f6 {[%clk 0:13:13]}
diff --git a/egor_tensin_vs_nietalex_2016-06-02.pgn b/egor_tensin_vs_nietalex_2016-06-02.pgn
index d1832b4..166986a 100644
--- a/egor_tensin_vs_nietalex_2016-06-02.pgn
+++ b/egor_tensin_vs_nietalex_2016-06-02.pgn
@@ -1,16 +1,19 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.06.02"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "egor_tensin"]
[Black "nietalex"]
+[Result "1-0"]
[WhiteElo "1625"]
[BlackElo "1672"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by resignation"]
-[Result "1-0"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "r3kn2/2p1q3/2b4Q/pp3Pp1/8/PB4BP/1P3RP1/3R2K1 b - - 0 30"]
-{A very nice Italian game. Virtually no or very few mistakes were made. The bishop pair reigns supreme.}
+{A very nice Italian game. Virtually no or very few mistakes were made. The
+bishop pair reigns supreme.}
1.e4 {[%clk 0:15:07]} e5 {[%clk 0:15:02]}
2.Nf3 {[%clk 0:14:59]} Bc5 {[%clk 0:15:07]}
3.Bc4 {[%clk 0:15:04]} d6 {[%clk 0:15:12]}
diff --git a/shegemf_vs_egor_tensin_2016-04-23.pgn b/shegemf_vs_egor_tensin_2016-04-23.pgn
index 2d4ccdf..9784942 100644
--- a/shegemf_vs_egor_tensin_2016-04-23.pgn
+++ b/shegemf_vs_egor_tensin_2016-04-23.pgn
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.04.23"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "shegemf"]
[Black "egor_tensin"]
+[Result "0-1"]
[WhiteElo "1645"]
[BlackElo "1631"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by resignation"]
-[Result "0-1"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "r4k2/1pp2p1p/1n3q2/pP1p4/P4NR1/3P1K2/2P5/b7 w - - 0 32"]
{A bloodbath arising from the Sololsky.}
@@ -33,7 +35,8 @@
20.Rf2 {[%clk 0:07:43]} Bxg3 {[%clk 0:06:15]} {Boom!}
21.Rg2 {[%clk 0:07:06]} Bxh2+ {[%clk 0:04:02]}
22.Kf1 {[%clk 0:07:07]} Bg3 {[%clk 0:02:48]}
-23.Nf3 {[%clk 0:07:07]} {Took me a while to realize it's just a free piece.} Rxf3+ {[%clk 0:02:10]}
+23.Nf3 {[%clk 0:07:07]} {Took me a while to realize it's just a free piece.}
+23...Rxf3+ {[%clk 0:02:10]}
24.Qxf3 {[%clk 0:06:48]} Nh2+ {[%clk 0:02:19]}
25.Ke2 {[%clk 0:07:00]} Nxf3 {[%clk 0:01:40]}
26.Kxf3 {[%clk 0:07:06]} Be5+ {[%clk 0:01:29]}
diff --git a/wizard72_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-04.pgn b/wizard72_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-04.pgn
index 42f0345..33a3702 100644
--- a/wizard72_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-04.pgn
+++ b/wizard72_vs_egor_tensin_2016-07-04.pgn
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
[Event "Live Chess"]
[Site "Chess.com"]
[Date "2016.07.04"]
+[Round "-"]
[White "wizard72"]
[Black "egor_tensin"]
[Result "0-1"]
@@ -9,6 +10,7 @@
[BlackElo "1701"]
[TimeControl "900+10"]
[Termination "egor_tensin won by checkmate"]
+[Annotator "egor_tensin"]
[CurrentPosition "6k1/2p3p1/1p3p2/4p1p1/1bb4P/4BP2/rqNK1QP1/3R3R w - - 0 30"]
{I think this is possibly the best game I ever played.}
@@ -17,15 +19,18 @@
3.Bc4 {[%clk 0:15:11]} Nf6 {[%clk 0:15:18]}
4.d3 {[%clk 0:15:13]} d6 {[%clk 0:15:15]}
5.Ng5 {[%clk 0:15:03]} d5 {[%clk 0:15:11]}
-6.exd5 {[%clk 0:15:10]} Nxd5 {[%clk 0:15:19]} {Trying to get a Fried Liver Attack, possibly the first proper opening I learned.}
+6.exd5 {[%clk 0:15:10]} Nxd5 {[%clk 0:15:19]} {Trying to get a Fried Liver
+Attack, possibly the first proper opening I learned.}
7.Qf3 {[%clk 0:15:03]} f6 {[%clk 0:13:46]}
8.Bxd5 {[%clk 0:14:40]} Nd4 {[%clk 0:13:26]}
9.Bf7+ {[%clk 0:13:33]} Ke7 {[%clk 0:13:18]}
10.Qd1 {[%clk 0:12:39]} h6 {[%clk 0:11:50]}
11.c3 {[%clk 0:12:43]} Nc6 {[%clk 0:11:18]}
-12.Qh5 {[%clk 0:12:02]} hxg5 {[%clk 0:09:53]} {Giving up the exchange, because what else can I do?}
+12.Qh5 {[%clk 0:12:02]} hxg5 {[%clk 0:09:53]} {Giving up the exchange, because
+what else can I do?}
13.Qxh8 {[%clk 0:12:06]} Kxf7 {[%clk 0:09:59]}
-14.Qh5+ {[%clk 0:11:57]} Kg8 {[%clk 0:09:59]} {Engines seem to think this position is level. Wat.}
+14.Qh5+ {[%clk 0:11:57]} Kg8 {[%clk 0:09:59]} {Engines seem to think this
+position is level. Wat.}
15.Qe2 {[%clk 0:10:53]} Bf5 {[%clk 0:09:50]}
16.Be3 {[%clk 0:10:19]} Bxd3 {[%clk 0:09:39]}
17.Qd2 {[%clk 0:10:24]} Qd6 {[%clk 0:08:55]}
@@ -33,7 +38,8 @@
19.Na3 {[%clk 0:10:02]} Rd8 {[%clk 0:05:56]}
20.O-O-O {[%clk 0:09:50]} a5 {[%clk 0:04:57]}
21.Nc2 {[%clk 0:09:29]} axb4 {[%clk 0:04:24]}
-22.cxb4 {[%clk 0:09:22]} Qd5 {[%clk 0:02:22]} {The Queen should have gone here in the first place.}
+22.cxb4 {[%clk 0:09:22]} Qd5 {[%clk 0:02:22]} {The Queen should have gone here
+in the first place.}
23.a3 {[%clk 0:08:52]} Qb3 {[%clk 0:02:15]}
24.h4 {[%clk 0:08:15]} Bc4 {[%clk 0:00:28]} {Oh, the massacre!}
25.Qe1 {[%clk 0:07:00]} Nxb4 {[%clk 0:00:31]}