
Clean up PATH


This GitHub action cleans up the PATH variable.

The PATH variable on Windows runners is a cesspool. For example, it includes seemingly dozens of MinGW distributions. This action takes a page out of MSYS2's book here, and cleans PATH so that only the default paths are included.

Use it in your workflow like this:

- name: Clean up PATH
  uses: egor-tensin/cleanup-path@v4
  • You can pass additional directory paths to add to PATH using the dirs parameter.
  • System directories under C:\Windows are added to PATH by default. Disable this by setting the default parameter to 0.


Input Value Default Description
dirs empty No additional paths.
any Additional paths, separated by a semicolon (;).
default 1 Add the default directories under C:\Windows.
any Don't add the default directories.

The action sets the PATH environment variable.


  • Even if you call the action with default: 0 and don't specify any dirs, it might not clear your PATH completely. Actions like setup-python, etc. seem to have a way to propagate their values to PATH regardless. Also, your shell selection matters.
  • v1 of this action is a simple composite action with the same API. At some point, it turned out that restoring PATH value might be desirable in the action's post stage. In particular, the GitHub-provided cache action wasn't able to find the tar executable on windows-2016 images (windows-2019 images have it built-in under C:\Windows). Composite actions don't support having the post stage, so it became a JavaScript action.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.