path: root/node_modules/@actions/core/lib/summary.d.ts
blob: bb79255551d67c713080917d9fac43e5b7dfe0e9 (plain) (tree)

export declare const SUMMARY_ENV_VAR = "GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY";
export declare const SUMMARY_DOCS_URL = "https://docs.github.com/actions/using-workflows/workflow-commands-for-github-actions#adding-a-job-summary";
export declare type SummaryTableRow = (SummaryTableCell | string)[];
export interface SummaryTableCell {
     * Cell content
    data: string;
     * Render cell as header
     * (optional) default: false
    header?: boolean;
     * Number of columns the cell extends
     * (optional) default: '1'
    colspan?: string;
     * Number of rows the cell extends
     * (optional) default: '1'
    rowspan?: string;
export interface SummaryImageOptions {
     * The width of the image in pixels. Must be an integer without a unit.
     * (optional)
    width?: string;
     * The height of the image in pixels. Must be an integer without a unit.
     * (optional)
    height?: string;
export interface SummaryWriteOptions {
     * Replace all existing content in summary file with buffer contents
     * (optional) default: false
    overwrite?: boolean;
declare class Summary {
    private _buffer;
    private _filePath?;
     * Finds the summary file path from the environment, rejects if env var is not found or file does not exist
     * Also checks r/w permissions.
     * @returns step summary file path
    private filePath;
     * Wraps content in an HTML tag, adding any HTML attributes
     * @param {string} tag HTML tag to wrap
     * @param {string | null} content content within the tag
     * @param {[attribute: string]: string} attrs key-value list of HTML attributes to add
     * @returns {string} content wrapped in HTML element
    private wrap;
     * Writes text in the buffer to the summary buffer file and empties buffer. Will append by default.
     * @param {SummaryWriteOptions} [options] (optional) options for write operation
     * @returns {Promise<Summary>} summary instance
    write(options?: SummaryWriteOptions): Promise<Summary>;
     * Clears the summary buffer and wipes the summary file
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    clear(): Promise<Summary>;
     * Returns the current summary buffer as a string
     * @returns {string} string of summary buffer
    stringify(): string;
     * If the summary buffer is empty
     * @returns {boolen} true if the buffer is empty
    isEmptyBuffer(): boolean;
     * Resets the summary buffer without writing to summary file
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    emptyBuffer(): Summary;
     * Adds raw text to the summary buffer
     * @param {string} text content to add
     * @param {boolean} [addEOL=false] (optional) append an EOL to the raw text (default: false)
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addRaw(text: string, addEOL?: boolean): Summary;
     * Adds the operating system-specific end-of-line marker to the buffer
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addEOL(): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML codeblock to the summary buffer
     * @param {string} code content to render within fenced code block
     * @param {string} lang (optional) language to syntax highlight code
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addCodeBlock(code: string, lang?: string): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML list to the summary buffer
     * @param {string[]} items list of items to render
     * @param {boolean} [ordered=false] (optional) if the rendered list should be ordered or not (default: false)
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addList(items: string[], ordered?: boolean): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML table to the summary buffer
     * @param {SummaryTableCell[]} rows table rows
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addTable(rows: SummaryTableRow[]): Summary;
     * Adds a collapsable HTML details element to the summary buffer
     * @param {string} label text for the closed state
     * @param {string} content collapsable content
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addDetails(label: string, content: string): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML image tag to the summary buffer
     * @param {string} src path to the image you to embed
     * @param {string} alt text description of the image
     * @param {SummaryImageOptions} options (optional) addition image attributes
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addImage(src: string, alt: string, options?: SummaryImageOptions): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML section heading element
     * @param {string} text heading text
     * @param {number | string} [level=1] (optional) the heading level, default: 1
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addHeading(text: string, level?: number | string): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML thematic break (<hr>) to the summary buffer
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addSeparator(): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML line break (<br>) to the summary buffer
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addBreak(): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML blockquote to the summary buffer
     * @param {string} text quote text
     * @param {string} cite (optional) citation url
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addQuote(text: string, cite?: string): Summary;
     * Adds an HTML anchor tag to the summary buffer
     * @param {string} text link text/content
     * @param {string} href hyperlink
     * @returns {Summary} summary instance
    addLink(text: string, href: string): Summary;
 * @deprecated use `core.summary`
export declare const markdownSummary: Summary;
export declare const summary: Summary;
export {};