path: root/cv.tex
blob: d561a4114700615c8cccb6c058b0e8b61d90a0a5 (plain) (tree)






















































% Basic setup

% Sans serif by default

% Document margins

% \includegraphics, used to include a picture of me

% Boxes

% Colors

% URLs

% Paragraphs

% Lists
\usepackage{enumitem} % [noitemsep]

% "C++", thanks to this guy: http://tex.stackexchange.com/a/4304/9088

% Whitespace



% Section headers ("Experience", "Education", etc.)

% Horizontal line/separator

% Workplace header
#1 -- #2 \hfill \textit{#3} at #4 (\href{http://#5/}{#5})%

% Workplace description



{\bfseries\large Egor Tensin}\\*
{\color{CvRuleColor} Last updated on: \today}
E-mail: & \href{mailto:Egor.Tensin@gmail.com}{Egor.Tensin@gmail.com} \\
Web: & \href{https://egor-tensin.github.io/}{https://egor-tensin.github.io/} \\
& \href{https://github.com/egor-tensin}{https://github.com/egor-tensin} \\
Tel.: & +7\,(911)\,982-06-81 \\
Address: & 3 Ushakovskaya Naberezhnaya, bldg. 2, apt. 409 \\
& Saint Petersburg, Russia, 197342 \\


\CvWorkplaceHeader{December 2020}{present}{Senior {\CXX} Engineer}{CloudLinux, Inc.}{www.cloudlinux.com/}

\textit{Work in progress\ldots}

\CvWorkplaceHeader{January 2020}{October 2020}{Senior {\CXX} Engineer}{Bercut Ltd.}{www.bercut.com}

I was a member of a backend team responsible for developing key parts of a
billing system used by various telecom operators.

  \item Cross-platform (Windows, Linux \& Solaris) development.
  \item {\CXX} programming.
  \item Python/{\CXX} interop using Boost.Python.
  \item Some containerization work using Docker.

\CvWorkplaceHeader{September 2017}{July 2019}{Senior {\CXX} Engineer}{Flightradar24 AB}{www.flightradar24.com}

I took part in the development and support of the backend part of the
Flightradar24 project.
I was responsible for how various parts of the backend received, processed and
stored third-party data in an efficient \& robust manner.

  \item Native Linux development.
  \item {\CXX} programming (inc. {\CXX}17 \& Boost).
  \item Python programming.
  \item Containerization and orchestration using Docker.
  \item AWS (EC2, Lambda, DynamoDB, S3).

\CvWorkplaceHeader{September 2014}{August 2017}{Software Engineer}{Netwrix Corp.}{www.netwrix.com}

I took part in the development of an enterprise-scale product as a member of a
core R\&D team.
I was responsible for developing various low-level components (among others):
  \item a "task scheduler" to provide means of asynchronous execution for
other components,
  \item a modular RESTful API implementation.

  \item Native Microsoft Windows development (WinAPI, COM, ATL).
  \item {\CXX} programming.
  \item .NET programming using C\#.
  \item Microsoft SQL Server \& related technologies (Reporting Services,
  \item XML \& related technologies (XSLT, XSD, etc.).

\CvWorkplaceHeader{April 2012}{May 2014}{Performance Engineer}{EMC Corp.}{russia.emc.com}

I developed and maintained a tool for revealing, analyzing and solving storage
system performance issues, specifically process \& thread synchronization
I also troubleshooted general performance issues within enterprise storage
systems, including profiling, benchmarking, etc.

  \item Native Microsoft Windows \& Linux development.
  \item Microsoft Windows \& Linux kernel module development.
  \item {\CXX} programming (inc. {\CXX}11 \& Boost).
  \item C \& x86(-64) assembly language programming.
  \item Microsoft Windows kernel debugging.
  \item Performance profiling.

\CvWorkplaceHeader{May 2012}{September 2013}{Software Engineer}{Lanit-Tercom, Inc.}{www.lanit-tercom.ru}

I took part in a R\&D on the impact introduced to the performance of a storage
system by process \& thread synchronization issues.
A prototype of a tool for revealing, analyzing and solving specific storage
system performance issues was developed.

  \item Native Microsoft Windows development.
  \item Microsoft Windows kernel module development.
  \item C \& x86(-64) assembly language programming.
  \item Python programming.
  \item Microsoft Windows kernel debugging.
  \item x86(-64) architecture.
  \item undocumented Microsoft Windows features.


%\CvWorkplaceHeader{2009}{2013}{Bachelor of Computer Science}{SPbSU}{eng.spbu.ru}

%During my education, I've been focusing on the following topics:
  %\item x86(-64) architecture (including writing a term paper "Verification of
%a x86-64 disassembler"),
  %\item x86(-64) microarchitecture (including working on my bachelor thesis
%"Attacking AES in a cloud using CPU caches").

  \CvSectionHeader{Programming Languages}

    \item C, x86(-64) assembly
    \item \CXX\ (inc. {\CXX}17 \& Boost)
    \item Python


    \item Russian --- mother tongue.
    \item English --- C1 (advanced).

  \CvSectionHeader{Other Tools \& Technologies}

    \item LibreOffice, Microsoft Office
    \item CygWin
    \item \LaTeX

  \CvSectionHeader{Development Tools \& Technologies}

    \item \textbf{Operating systems}: Microsoft Windows, Linux
    \item \textbf{IDEs}: Microsoft Visual Studio, CLion
    \item \textbf{Cloud}: Docker, AWS
    \item \textbf{Build systems}: CMake, GNU Make
    \item \textbf{CI}: Jenkins
    \item \textbf{Scripting}: CMD, GNU Bash, PowerShell
    \item \textbf{Version Control}: Git, Apache Subversion, TFS, AccuRev
    \item \textbf{Debugging}: GDB, WinDbg
    \item \textbf{Performance}: perf, Xperf, Intel VTune Amplifier
