path: root/%HOME%/.gnupg/gpg.conf
blob: 018cc7ee9a475f394c35d5f447866c1bfb343eb4 (plain) (tree)


# Options for GnuPG
# Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
#           2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This file is free software; as a special exception the author gives
# unlimited permission to copy and/or distribute it, with or without
# modifications, as long as this notice is preserved.
# This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law; without even the
# Unless you specify which option file to use (with the command line
# option "--options filename"), GnuPG uses the file ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf
# by default.
# An options file can contain any long options which are available in
# GnuPG. If the first non white space character of a line is a '#',
# this line is ignored.  Empty lines are also ignored.
# See the man page for a list of options.

# Uncomment the following option to get rid of the copyright notice


# If you have more than 1 secret key in your keyring, you may want to
# uncomment the following option and set your preferred keyid.

#default-key 621CC013

# If you do not pass a recipient to gpg, it will ask for one.  Using
# this option you can encrypt to a default key.  Key validation will
# not be done in this case.  The second form uses the default key as
# default recipient.

#default-recipient some-user-id

# Use --encrypt-to to add the specified key as a recipient to all
# messages.  This is useful, for example, when sending mail through a
# mail client that does not automatically encrypt mail to your key.
# In the example, this option allows you to read your local copy of
# encrypted mail that you've sent to others.

#encrypt-to some-key-id

# By default GnuPG creates version 4 signatures for data files as
# specified by OpenPGP.  Some earlier (PGP 6, PGP 7) versions of PGP
# require the older version 3 signatures.  Setting this option forces
# GnuPG to create version 3 signatures.


# Because some mailers change lines starting with "From " to ">From "
# it is good to handle such lines in a special way when creating
# cleartext signatures; all other PGP versions do it this way too.


# If you do not use the Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1) charset, you should tell
# GnuPG which is the native character set.  Please check the man page
# for supported character sets.  This character set is only used for
# metadata and not for the actual message which does not undergo any
# translation.  Note that future version of GnuPG will change to UTF-8
# as default character set.  In most cases this option is not required
# as GnuPG is able to figure out the correct charset at runtime.

#charset utf-8

# Group names may be defined like this:
#   group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti
# Any time "mynames" is a recipient (-r or --recipient), it will be
# expanded to the names "paige", "joe", and "patti", and the key ID
# "0x12345678".  Note there is only one level of expansion - you
# cannot make an group that points to another group.  Note also that
# if there are spaces in the recipient name, this will appear as two
# recipients.  In these cases it is better to use the key ID.

#group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti

# Lock the file only once for the lifetime of a process.  If you do
# not define this, the lock will be obtained and released every time
# it is needed, which is usually preferable.


# GnuPG can send and receive keys to and from a keyserver.  These
# servers can be HKP, email, or LDAP (if GnuPG is built with LDAP
# support).
# Example HKP keyserver:
#      hkp://keys.gnupg.net
#      hkp://subkeys.pgp.net
# Example email keyserver:
#      mailto:pgp-public-keys@keys.pgp.net
# Example LDAP keyservers:
#      ldap://keyserver.pgp.com
# Regular URL syntax applies, and you can set an alternate port
# through the usual method:
#      hkp://keyserver.example.net:22742
# Most users just set the name and type of their preferred keyserver.
# Note that most servers (with the notable exception of
# ldap://keyserver.pgp.com) synchronize changes with each other.  Note
# also that a single server name may actually point to multiple
# servers via DNS round-robin.  hkp://keys.gnupg.net is an example of
# such a "server", which spreads the load over a number of physical
# servers.  To see the IP address of the server actually used, you may use
# the "--keyserver-options debug".

keyserver hkp://keys.gnupg.net
#keyserver mailto:pgp-public-keys@keys.nl.pgp.net
#keyserver ldap://keyserver.pgp.com

# Common options for keyserver functions:
# include-disabled : when searching, include keys marked as "disabled"
#                    on the keyserver (not all keyservers support this).
# no-include-revoked : when searching, do not include keys marked as
#                      "revoked" on the keyserver.
# verbose : show more information as the keys are fetched.
#           Can be used more than once to increase the amount
#           of information shown.
# use-temp-files : use temporary files instead of a pipe to talk to the
#                  keyserver.  Some platforms (Win32 for one) always
#                  have this on.
# keep-temp-files : do not delete temporary files after using them
#                   (really only useful for debugging)
# http-proxy="proxy" : set the proxy to use for HTTP and HKP keyservers.
#                      This overrides the "http_proxy" environment variable,
#                      if any.
# auto-key-retrieve : automatically fetch keys as needed from the keyserver
#                     when verifying signatures or when importing keys that
#                     have been revoked by a revocation key that is not
#                     present on the keyring.
# no-include-attributes : do not include attribute IDs (aka "photo IDs")
#                         when sending keys to the keyserver.

#keyserver-options auto-key-retrieve

# Display photo user IDs in key listings

# list-options show-photos

# Display photo user IDs when a signature from a key with a photo is
# verified

# verify-options show-photos

# Use this program to display photo user IDs
# %i is expanded to a temporary file that contains the photo.
# %I is the same as %i, but the file isn't deleted afterwards by GnuPG.
# %k is expanded to the key ID of the key.
# %K is expanded to the long OpenPGP key ID of the key.
# %t is expanded to the extension of the image (e.g. "jpg").
# %T is expanded to the MIME type of the image (e.g. "image/jpeg").
# %f is expanded to the fingerprint of the key.
# %% is %, of course.
# If %i or %I are not present, then the photo is supplied to the
# viewer on standard input.  If your platform supports it, standard
# input is the best way to do this as it avoids the time and effort in
# generating and then cleaning up a secure temp file.
# If no photo-viewer is provided, GnuPG will look for xloadimage, eog,
# or display (ImageMagick).  On Mac OS X and Windows, the default is
# to use your regular JPEG image viewer.
# Some other viewers:
# photo-viewer "qiv %i"
# photo-viewer "ee %i"
# This one saves a copy of the photo ID in your home directory:
# photo-viewer "cat > ~/photoid-for-key-%k.%t"
# Use your MIME handler to view photos:
# photo-viewer "metamail -q -d -b -c %T -s 'KeyID 0x%k' -f GnuPG"

# Passphrase agent
# We support the old experimental passphrase agent protocol as well as
# the new Assuan based one (currently available in the "newpg" package
# at ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/alpha/aegypten/).  To make use of the agent,
# you have to run an agent as daemon and use the option
# use-agent
# which tries to use the agent but will fallback to the regular mode
# if there is a problem connecting to the agent.  The normal way to
# locate the agent is by looking at the environment variable
# GPG_AGENT_INFO which should have been set during gpg-agent startup.
# In certain situations the use of this variable is not possible, thus
# the option
# --gpg-agent-info=<path>:<pid>:1
# may be used to override it.

# Automatic key location
# GnuPG can automatically locate and retrieve keys as needed using the
# auto-key-locate option.  This happens when encrypting to an email
# address (in the "user@example.com" form), and there are no
# user@example.com keys on the local keyring.  This option takes the
# following arguments, in the order they are to be tried:
# cert = locate a key using DNS CERT, as specified in RFC-4398.
#        GnuPG can handle both the PGP (key) and IPGP (URL + fingerprint)
#        CERT methods.
# pka = locate a key using DNS PKA.
# ldap = locate a key using the PGP Universal method of checking
#        "ldap://keys.(thedomain)".  For example, encrypting to
#        user@example.com will check ldap://keys.example.com.
# keyserver = locate a key using whatever keyserver is defined using
#             the keyserver option.
# You may also list arbitrary keyservers here by URL.
# Try CERT, then PKA, then LDAP, then hkp://subkeys.net:
#auto-key-locate cert pka ldap hkp://subkeys.pgp.net

personal-cipher-preferences AES256 AES192 AES CAST5
personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224
cert-digest-algo SHA512
personal-compress-preferences ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed