blob: cb340736849d6897b6bb2a5af97169641a188ea3 (
plain) (
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Copyright (c) 2016 Egor Tensin <>
# This file is part of the "Cygwin configuration files" project.
# For details, see
# Distributed under the MIT License.
alias dos2eol='sed --binary --in-place '"'"'s/\(\r\?\)$//'"'"
alias eol2dos='sed --binary --in-place '"'"'s/\r\?$/\r/'"'"
alias trim='sed --binary --in-place '"'"'s/[[:blank:]]*\(\r\?\)$/\1/'"'"
alias trimeol='sed --binary --in-place -e :a -e '"'"'/^\n*$/{$d;N;ba}'"'"
alias trimdoseol='sed --binary --in-place -e :a -e '"'"'/^\(\r\n\)*\r$/{$d;N;ba}'"'"
alias eol='sed --binary --in-place '"'"'$a\'"'"
alias doseol='sed --binary --in-place '"'"'$s/\r\?$/\r/;a\'"'"
alias trimbom='sed --binary --in-place '"'"'1 s/^\xef\xbb\xbf//'"'"
lint() {
trim "$@" && trimeol "$@" && eol "$@"
doslint() {
trim "$@" && trimdoseol "$@" && doseol "$@"
replace_word() (
set -o errexit -o nounset -o pipefail
if [ "$#" -lt 3 ]; then
echo "usage: ${FUNCNAME[0]} OLD NEW PATH [PATH...]" >&2
return 1
local old="$1"
local new="$2"
shift && shift && sed --binary --in-place "s/\\b$old\\b/$new/g" "$@"