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Windows apps
A list of useful Windows apps.
I install those on more or less every Windows installation at some point or
another, so I thought it would be useful to make a complete list.
* 7-Zip (`7z`)
* Associate file types and disable the "CRC SHA >" context menu entry in
Tools -> Options...
* Far Manager
* Enable Explorer integration during installation.
* Google Chrome
* Don't sync history.
* Sublime Text 3
* SumatraPDF
* Disable update checks.
* Sysinternals Suite (`procexp`)
* TeamViewer
* Disable integrated system health checks (Extras -> Options -> Advanced).
* Disable update checks.
* Don't install web browser plugins.
* qBittorrent
* Set downloads directory path.
* Skype
* Disable automatic startup.
* WinDirStat
Special purpose
* Ghostscript (`gswin32`/`gswin64`)
* Graphviz (`dot`)
* ImageMagick (`convert`)
* Install "legacy utilities".
* TeX Live (`pdflatex`)
* WinSCP
### Version control
* KDiff3 (`kdiff3`)
* Disable Explorer integration using CCleaner.
* WinMerge
* Disable Explorer integration using CCleaner.
### C/C++
* CMake (`cmake`)
* doxygen (`doxygen`)
### Haskell
* Haskell Platform
* `cabal update`
* Haskell Stack (`stack`)
* Update `STACK_HOME` (when installing to any directory other than the
default one).
### Python (`python`)
* `pip install` numpy & matplotlib from
### Ruby (`ruby`)
* Install DevKit (`dk.rb init` && `dk.rb install`).