
Privilege check


Check your privilege. On Windows.

Displays a window, showing

  • if the current user belongs to the BUILTIN\Administrators group,
  • whether the process is "run as Administrator",
  • if it has elevated privileges,
  • process's "integrity level".

If it's not "run as Administrator", a button allows to actually re-run the executable as Administrator, utilizing Windows' User Account Control feature.


Build using CMake. The project is Windows-only, so building with either MSVC or MinGW-64 is required.

There's a Makefile with useful shortcuts to build the project in the build/ directory (defaults to building with MinGW-w64):

make build

Cross table

Snippets of information provided by the tool on different Windows versions are summarized in the table below.

"Administrator" below stands for the built-in Administrator account. "testadmin" is a user that belongs to the BUILTIN\Administrators group. "test" is a user that doesn't belong to this group.

UAC on

User Windows 7 Windows 8.1 Windows 2012 R2
Administrator Integrity level - - High
Elevated? - - True
testadmin Integrity level Medium Medium Medium
Elevated? False False False
test Integrity level Medium Medium Medium
Elevated? False False False

UAC off

User Windows 7 Windows 8.1 Windows 2012 R2
Administrator Integrity level - - High
Elevated? - - True
testadmin Integrity level High High High
Elevated? True True True
test Integrity level Medium Medium Medium
Elevated? False False False*

* True on domain controllers.


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for details.