path: root/README.md
blob: a568257860d4987f49e2a741d7dcba81835ad28e (plain) (tree)


# Windows drivers

This is a collection of drivers for Windows 7, created to amuse and entertain.

## Development

### Prerequisites

The drivers are compiled using the Windows Driver Kit Version 7.1.0.

I've developed a set of batch files to facilitate building the drivers and cleaning after the build.
The binaries are copied into the "bin" directory under the root directory.

To set up the development environment, start a new `cmd` session, and run

    C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\bin\setenv.bat C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1 fre WIN7 no_oacr

Of course, you may want to modify `setenv.bat` parameters.
For example, to compile under x86-64, call `setenv.bat` like this:

    C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1\bin\setenv.bat C:\WinDDK\7600.16385.1 fre x64 WIN7 no_oacr

Then navigate to the root directory and call `setenv.bat`:


### Code signing

Driver binaries are signed using the self-signed certificate "Test Certificate" in "Test Certificate Store".
You can create this certificate using `add_cert.bat` (but first make sure you've set up the development environment).
To verify it's there, you can use the `certmgr.msc` utility.

Driver binaries are automatically signed during builds, but you can also sign one manually by passing the path to a .sys file to `sign.bat`.

### Build & clean

To build every driver under the "src" directory, call `build_drivers.bat`.
To build a particular driver, pass the path to the driver source directory to `build_driver.bat`.
Driver binaries are copied to the "bin" directory.

Cleaning after a driver build includes deleting log and object files in the driver source directory and deleting the binaries from the "bin" directory.
To clean after every driver in the "src" directory, call `clean_drivers.bat`.
To clean after a particular driver, pass the path to the driver source directory to `clean_driver.bat`.

## Licensing

This project, including all of the files and their contents, is licensed under the terms of the MIT License.
See LICENSE.txt for details.