blob: 83961ad90557e6bdb2ad20e6a69e899d3c245b0a (
plain) (
@rem Copyright (c) 2015 Egor Tensin <>
@rem This file is part of the "Windows 7 drivers" project.
@rem For details, see
@rem Distributed under the MIT License.
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
@echo off
if "%~1" == "" (
echo Usage: %~nx0 DRIVER_SRC_ROOT >&2
exit /b 1
call check_env.bat || exit /b !errorlevel!
call check_ddk.bat || exit /b !errorlevel!
set "driver_src_root=%~f1"
for /f %%i in ("%driver_src_root%") do (
set "driver_name=%%~ni"
set "driver_dist_subdir=%%~dpi"
call :make_relative driver_dist_subdir "%src_root%"
set "sys_dist_dir=%bin_root%\%target_platform%\%target_configuration%\%driver_dist_subdir%"
set "pdb_dist_dir=%bin_root%\%target_platform%\%target_configuration%\%driver_dist_subdir%"
set "lib_dist_dir=%lib_root%\%target_platform%\%target_configuration%\%driver_dist_subdir%"
echo =========================== DRIVER INFO ===========================
echo Driver source directory: %driver_src_root%
echo Driver name: %driver_name%
echo ========================= END DRIVER INFO =========================
echo ============================== BUILD ==============================
set "LIBDISTDIR=%lib_dist_dir%"
pushd "%driver_src_root%" && (
build.exe /cegwZ
if errorlevel 0 (
echo ========================== BUILD SUCCESS ==========================
) else (
echo ========================== BUILD FAILURE ==========================
exit /b %errorlevel%
if "%_BUILDARCH%" == "x86" (
set buildarch_directory=i386
) else (
set "buildarch_directory=%_BUILDARCH%"
set "sys_path=%driver_src_root%\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%buildarch_directory%\%driver_name%.sys"
set "pdb_path=%driver_src_root%\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%buildarch_directory%\%driver_name%.pdb"
set "lib_path=%driver_src_root%\obj%BUILD_ALT_DIR%\%buildarch_directory%\%driver_name%.lib"
if exist "%sys_path%" (
call "%root%\sign.bat" "%sys_path%" || exit /b !errorlevel!
echo ============================== DISTR ==============================
if exist "%sys_path%" (
call :distr_copy "%sys_path%" "%sys_dist_dir%" || goto :distr_failure
call :distr_copy "%pdb_path%" "%pdb_dist_dir%" || goto :distr_failure
if exist "%lib_path%" (
call :distr_copy "%lib_path%" "%lib_dist_dir%" || goto :distr_failure
echo ========================== DISTR SUCCESS ==========================
exit /b
if not exist "%~1\" (
echo mkdir "%~1"
mkdir "%~1" >nul
exit /b !errorlevel!
exit /b 0
call :distr_mkdir "%~2" || exit /b !errorlevel!
echo copy "%~1" "%~2"
copy "%~1" "%~2" >nul
exit /b %errorlevel%
echo ========================== DISTR FAILURE ==========================
exit /b %errorlevel%
@setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
set "abs=%~1"
if defined %~1 set "abs=!%~1!"
set "base=%~2"
if not defined base set "base=%CD%"
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ("%abs%") do set "abs=%%~fi"
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ("%base%") do set "base=%%~fi"
set match=
set upper=
for /f "tokens=*" %%i in ('echo.%base:\=^&echo.%') do (
set "sub=!sub!%%i\"
call set "tmp=%%abs:!sub!=%%"
if "!tmp!" == "!abs!" (
set "upper=!upper!..\"
) else (
set "match=!sub!"
set "rel=%upper%!abs:%match%=!"
(endlocal & if defined %~1 (set "%~1=%rel%") else (echo.%rel%))
exit /b 0